
Light-Sheet Images in Other Applications

See images of biological samples and fast, dynamic biological structures captured with light-sheet microscopy.

Typical applications of light-sheet fluorescence microscopy capitalize on its low phototoxicity and its ability to image large samples with sub-cellular details. One common application is time-lapse imaging of living organisms, for example when studying zebrafish embryonic development. Additionally, light-sheet microscopy is often applied to image large, cleared samples, such as entire optically cleared mice.

Bruker offers several light-sheet microscopes for many models, systems, and specialized applications.

For more specialized samples, Bruker's application specialists are adeptly positioned to assist researchers in navigating the intricacies of their experiments. Whether dealing with unconventional biological models, unique tissues, or challenging imaging conditions, Bruker's specialists are committed to tailoring solutions that align with the specific demands of diverse research endeavors.

Other Applications


Daphnia, commonly known as water fleas, are small aquatic crustaceans that serve as valuable models in biological sciences. Their translucent exoskeleton allows for non-invasive visualization of internal organs and physiological processes. Researchers utilize Daphnia to study environmental toxicology, reproductive biology, and neurobiology.

False-colored maximum intensity projection of autofluorescence in Daphnia imaged on the MuVi SPIM. Courtesy of Dr. Ellen Decaestecker and Prof. Luc De Meester, KU Leuven, Kortrijk, Belgium.


Volvox, a colonial green alga, serves as a distinctive model system in ecology, environmental biology, genomics, and cell biology. The transparent nature of Volvox colonies allows researchers to visualize cellular structures and developmental processes in three dimensions and to study individual and colony behavior.

False-colored maximum intensity projection of Volvox. Courtesy of Dr. Eva Laura von der Heyde and Prof. Dr. Amin Hallmann, Bielefeld University, Germany.


Xenopus frog embryos are often used in developmental biology studies. Their large size and external development make them amenable to light-sheet imaging, enabling researchers to visualize dynamic processes in 3D. Xenopus studies allow new insights into development, regeneration, and gene regulation.

False-colored maximum intensity projection of Xenopus. Courtesy of Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schmucker, KU Leuven, Kortrijk, Belgium.

Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)

Arabidopsis thaliana is a small flowering plant commonly used in plant biology research. Light-sheet microscopy can be applied to study the 3D architecture of plant tissues and organs, providing insights into plant development and responses to environmental stimuli. Plants have unique characteristics and challenges that need to be considered for imaging.

Arabidopsis plant. Courtesy of Dr. Thorsten Seidel, Bielefeld University, Germany. Transgenic line from Meyer et al, 2007.


The octopus presents an intriguing preclinical model with its complex nervous system and remarkable cognitive abilities. Octopuses are known for their adaptive behavior, intelligence, and unique body structure. Light-sheet microscopy allows researchers to explore the three-dimensional intricacies of the octopus brain, shedding light on neural circuits and behavioral patterns.

False-colored maximum intensity projection of autofluorescence in an octopus. Sample courtesy of Dr. Astrid Deryckere, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Cell cultures, organoids, and spheroids

In addition to whole organisms, light-sheet microscopy can be applied to study sub- and extracellular structures, such as in 3D cell cultures, organoids, and spheroids. Cell cultures play a crucial role in life sciences for investigating biological processes within a controlled environment. In recent years, the emphasis has shifted towards cultivating cells in a three-dimensional (3D) setting as opposed to the traditional two-dimensional (2D) approach. This is commonly achieved using a gel-like matrix or scaffold designed to replicate the extracellular matrix present in natural tissues. This approach is particularly useful in cancer research and tissue engineering.

False-colored maximum intensity projection of a cell culture image. Courtesy of Dr. Ulrike Engel Nikon Imaging Center, Heidelberg, Germany.
False-colored maximum intensity projection of organoid samples. Courtesy of Dr. Daqi Deng, Turajlic Lab.

C. elegans (Caenorhabditis elegans)

The transparent nature of the nematode C. elegans makes it suitable for light-sheet microscopy. Researchers can use this model to investigate neural circuits, organ development, and other biological processes.

Timelapse of cell division (microtubules in green). Courtesy of De Sasha de Henau, Dansen Group, Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht (UMC), Utrect, Netherlands.

Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fry)

Fruit flies have been a classic model organism in genetics and developmental biology. Light-sheet imaging can be applied to study Drosophila embryos or other developmental stages, providing detailed information about tissue morphology and cellular dynamics.

Timelapse of Drosophila development over 20 hours imaged on the MuVi SPIM.

Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Zebrafish are a widely used model organism. The embryos are transparent, allowing for easy visualization of internal structures. They are widely used to study embryonic development, organogenesis, genetics, regeneration and various other physiological processes. Light-sheet microscopy enables researchers to image entire zebrafish embryos at high speeds, with minimal phototoxicity, in 3D over time.

Tissue imaging showing Interleukin 1b (green, il1b::GFP) over brightfield. Timelapse shows immunological response of Interleukin after tissue wounding with laser ablation. Captured every 5 min. for 12 hours. Courtesy of Dr. Elizabeth Jerison, Standford University.


Light-sheet microscopy is also applied to study developmental biology, environmental responses, and disease pathogenesis in mice. Especially in the last few years, light-sheet microscopy, in combination with tissue clearing techniques, has become a powerful tool to perform whole-organ or whole-organism multi-dimensional imaging.

Whole mouse imaging. Sample imaged on the LCS SPIM. Courtesy of Dr. Chenchen Pan, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany.