With great pleasure, Bruker and Incoatec have been participating in IUCr’s 2021 High Pressure Workshop. We contributed in the first remotely held HPW with a ninety-minute session on how to take best advantage from the dedicated solutions we offer to this important field of research. Here we present the recording of presentations given on the Bruker workshop on February 5th.
Our workshop highlighted the many benefits hardware components, such as the PHOTON III (Martin Adam, Bruker) and the IµS DIAMOND (Juergen Graf, Incoatec) provide. Furthermore, we had a slot on high-pressure crystallography focused tips and tricks on the APEX3 software suite suite (Tobias Stuerzer, Bruker) and finally a Q&A session (all). We are grateful to the organizers for providing us with the video recording.
Dr. Martin Adam
SC-XRD Product Manager, Bruker AXS
Dr. Tobias Stürzer
Head of Global SC-XRD Application
Dr. Jürgen Graf
Application Scientist, Incoatec