In this webinar, Dr. Iris Zhou covers a range of PET/MR applications entailing neurology, oncology, and liver fibrosis, as well as contrast agent development in both mice and rats, and proves, as she says, the applications are “limited only by imagination”.
Dr. Zhou demonstrates the strengths of PET and MR and the combination of both with applications performed on the BioSpec 4.7 T with PET insert. She describes multi-mouse 11C studies of dopamine release and microglia dysregulation with multi-rat imaging and discusses the practicalities of carrying out multi-rodent studies. She then illuminates work on gastric cancer, where results can be used to stratify patients for more efficient treatment, non-alcoholic steatoheptatitis for early detection of fibrosis, and renal impairment, where results show a compensation via liver excretion, before covering contrast agent development.
She also describes 86Y as surrogate for Gd3+ as they are bother similar in size and chemistry, and shows via co-injection of both in rat that Gd3+ concentration can be determined. She further discusses how her studies with 52-labeled Mn DPDP for dual PET and MR imaging allow identification of where Mn is going on the long term.
On Demand Session
Multi-rodent Neuro Imaging
Abdominal Imaging
Contrast Agent Development
Researchers wishing to gain an overview of a wide range of developments within the PET/MR imaging field will find this webinar to be an excellent critique.
Dr. Iris Zhou
Instructor - Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard UniversityDr. Iris Zhou is an instructor in Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Her research focuses on developing novel imaging biomarkers to quantify molecular information of stroke, tumor, and fibrotic diseases, and applying them to track disease progression and monitor therapeutic interventions.