Orthodontic departments continually adapt and refine clinical SOPs for improving patient care across a wide range of clinical solutions, all of which benefit from high-resolution non-destructive 3D data. In this webinar, Petra Julia Koch and Paul Zaslansky (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin) will discuss the importance of 3D data in current digital orthodontics applications and how clinical research can build on the data micro-CT can provide. The speakers will demonstrate how they used the SkyScan 1275 (a benchtop micro-CT scanner from Bruker) to optimize orthodontic bracket removal procedures and showcase other approaches in the orthodontics clinic, including how to examine hypomineralized teeth.
This webinar took place on February 6th, 2020
The webinar will cover the use of 3D data and micro-CT imaging as a tool tosupport orthodontic procedures and research, with a focus on the convenience of using the highly flexible, fully automated SkyScan 1275. This high-throughput system provides top-quality data acquisition with exceptional density sinsitivity, which can aid the evaluation of high contrast edges such as dental bur flute sharpness.
This webinar will appeal to dental researchers, orthodontists, dentists, producers of dental equipment, medical technology experts, and anyone interested in future trends and technologies in this field. The presentation may be of particular interest to heads of orthodontics departments.
Dr. Petra Julia Koch
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Growing up in Heidelberg, Germany, Petra moved to Berlin in 2008 and acquired her dental degree at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin in 2014. Since, she was practicing as a full dentist in Berlin and joined the team of Zahnärzte helfen e.V. in 2016 for a volunteering program in Urubamba, Peru before specializing in orthodontics in 2017. Currently, she is working on her PhD thesis with her main focus on digital orthodontics and in specific the integration of the indirect bonding technique in the digital workflow. She presented her work in 2019 at the annual meetings of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie (DGKFO) and the European Orthodontic Society (EOS) and is currently working on the publications. She is a supervisor to doctoral students and contributing to other projects in the field of digital orthodontics. In November 2019, Petra received the 3M European Talent Award Clinical Edition. In January 2020, she will be completing a 3-year full-time specialist orthodontic training program at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany.
Dr. Paul Zaslansky
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Dr. Zaslansky completed his dentistry studies in the Faculty of Dental Medicine in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1991 and, following several years of dental practice in public and private clinics, went on to complete a PhD in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot which he completed in 2005. Upon moving to Berlin, he performed basic tooth and bone related research for 6 years in the Max-Plank Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, followed by 6 years of research as a group leader in the Julius Wolff institute for bone biomechanics research, focusing on basic research of Biomineralization. He has been a senior member of the Department for Operative and Preventive Dentistry engaged in research since 2017. Dr. Zaslansky’s research focuses on basic research of the structure - function relations in native and treated teeth (human and non-human) employing a wide range of optical, electron and X-ray macro to sub-nano imaging and materials characterization methods.
Dr. Jens Waldeck
Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH
Dr. Jens Waldeck is working for Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH as EIMEA Application and Sales Manager in the field of PreClinical Imaging (PCI) As Application Manger in the field of the in vivo optical and PET/SPECT/CT imaging he supports and coordinats trainings, workshops, seminars and research projects. Before joining Bruker he was holding a Senior Application Manager position at Carestream Molecular Imaging/Carestream Health to give support to the European and global market for both in vivo and in vitro optical and nuclear (preclinical) imaging products..