Analytical SEM Solutions for Geology - Part II

On-Demand Session - 59 Minutes

EBSD, CL & Sample Preparation

Join the second part of our free webinar on scanning electron microscopy techniques for geological applications. Part II will deal with the exploration of microstructure and chemistry in minerals using EBSD and CL.

Electron BackScatter Diffraction (EBSD) and CathodoLuminescence (CL) are essential tools to complete the characterization of mineralogical samples, by understanding deformation, phase transformation, defects, crystal growth, zonation, cementation and trace element chemistry. As the techniques are surface sensitive we will also look into sample preparation methods.

This 45 min webinar will be round off by a 15-minute Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.

Did You Miss Part I?

Don't worry! Part I is already available as on-demand event here.

Who Should Attend?

  • Researchers in geological sciences and mining
  • Microscopists wanting to explore new analytical techniques like EBSD and CL
  • Anyone considering electron microscopy as a characterization technique for ceramics, oxide materials, minerals and similar


Dr. Laurie Palasse

Global Application Manager, Bruker Nano Analytics

Max Patzschke

Application Scientist EDS, Bruker Nano Analytics

Mats Eriksson

Department Manager, Hitachi High-Technologies

Sten Sturefelt

Sales and Applications Engineer, Hitachi High-Technologies

Dr. Toon Coenen

Product Manager, Delmic

Dr. Tobias Salge

Electron Probe Microanalyst, Natural History Museum, London

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