
▶ Watch On-Demand | 1 Hr 25 Min

Advanced 3D Optical Roughness Metrology

▶ Watch On-Demand | 30 Minutes

An Introduction to the NPFLEX 3D Optical Profilometer: Technique Principle, Unique Features and Capabilities of the System

Presented by Emmanuel Paris, Marcom Manager EMEA, Bruker BioAFM (July 13, 2021)


  • [00:01:57] Introduction to White Light Interferometry (WLI)
  • [00:05:07] Techniques for measuring vertical (z) resolution
  • [00:07:41] Techniques for measuring lateral resolution
  • [00:09:04] Techniques for large evaluation length
  • {00:10:00] Techniques for every sample type
  • [00:14:34] Summary of WLI inherent benefits
  • [00:15:58] Introduction to Bruker's NPFLEX 3D Optical Profiler
  • [00:24:01] Live audience Q&A with the speakers

Live Audience Q&A

How was the depth resolution of 0.01 nm measured? And what is the smallest step-height that can accurately be measured with WLI and the NPFLEX?
Using the NPFLEX, can you look into small cavities? If so, to what size?

Contact us to learn more about WLI, the NPFLEX, or our other solutions for high-resolution optical roughness measurment.

▶ Watch On-Demand | 15 Minutes

Applications Using the NPFLEX

Presented by Emmanuel Paris, Marcom Manager EMEA, Bruker BioAFM (July 13, 2021)


  • [00:01:06] Example 1: Minimizing leaking of a rotating part using lead angle measurement
  • [00:02:36] Example 2: Leak analysis using 3D measurement via stitching
  • [00:04:11] Example 3: Wear analysis by pin-on-disk and area-based volume measurements 
  • [00:05:42] Example 4: Analyzing coating surface wear via scratch test characterization
  • [00:06:12] Example 5: Roughness measurement and surface treatment optimization
  • [00:07:19] Example 6: Studying corrosion 
  • [00:09:32] Example 7: Using the fold mirror to redirect the light path/focus on vertical surfaces
  • [00:11:39] Live audience Q&A with the speakers

Live Audience Q&A

Can you give an example of how long it would take for millimeter scale measurements?
Can you import the raw data mountain map from digital surf for analysis?
What is the largest area it is possible to stitch using the NPFLEX?

NPFLEX Technical Demonstrations

▶ W A T C H  O N - D E M A N D  |  2 0  M I N U T E S

Part 1

presented by Dr. Udo Volz, Applications Engineer, Bruker BioAFM (July 13, 2021)




  • [00:00:013] Review of the main features and instrumentation of the NPFLEX system
  • [00:03:13] Samples used for this demonstration
  • [00:04:09] Configuring the NPFLEX and measuring a large automotive (engine block) sample by stitching
  • [00:07:29] Configuring the NPFLEX and measuring the inside of a curved surgical implant with the system's long working distance
  • [00:12:29] Performing rotational stitching
  • [00:16:32] Live audience Q&A with the speakers

Live Audience Q&A

Can you also measure flatness and step parallelism?
Can the NPFLEX system do autofocus?

Contact us to learn more about WLI, the NPFLEX, or our other solutions for high-resolution optical roughness measurment.

▶ W A T C H  O N - D E M A N D  |  2 0  M I N U T E S

Part 2

Presented by Dr. Udo Volz, Applications Engineer, Bruker BioAFM (July 13, 2021)




  • [00:0:00] Examining the cylinder liner in an engine block
  • [00:02:31] Interpreting the images
  • [00:03:36] Examining the sidewall inside a hip implant cup
  • [00:08:45] Filtering and interpreting the images
  • [00:10:57] Live audience Q&A with the speakers

Live Audience Q&A

Do you do a 3D correction in the image depending on the form or slopes OR just a calibration of the tool's lateral and vertical axis?
How does the stitching algorithm work--by stage coordinates or by a mathematical cross-correlation in 3D room? And can the user decide the percentage of overlap area?

Contact us to learn more about WLI, the NPFLEX, or our other solutions for high-resolution optical roughness measurment.