Join us for a two-hour seminar, led by experts in the field, to discuss in-situ tensile testing in the transmission and scanning electron microscopes.
The tensile test is the standard mechanical test for determining Young’s modulus, yield strength, work hardening, and more. These tests are more challenging than their peers to perform at nano- and micromechanical length scales, requiring advanced sample preparation and positioning. In 2006, researchers using Bruker’s Hysitron Picoindenter tools were the first to enable in-situ quantitative testing, originally in the TEM, followed shortly in the SEM. Indentation,1 compression, and tensile modes2,3 as standard on the original Hysitron PI 95 led to a wave of in-situ publications. In this seminar, the focus is on re-creating a uniaxial strain using both direct pull2 with tensile actuation of the transducer, and the patented Push-to-Pull MEMS chip.3
We welcome these experts to present data from the past, present, and future of in-situ tensile testing in the SEM and TEM.
In-Situ Tensile Testing in a TEM: Both Measuring and Observing Changes in Local Structure
Presenter: Prof. Andrew Minor
In-Situ TEM Failures in Fatigue and Other Extreme Environments
Presenter: Dr. Khalid Hattar
A Practical Demonstration of In-Situ SEM Direct Pull Tension: Step-by-Step Sample Preparation and Testing of a Duplex Steel
Presenter: Dr. Eric Hintsala
Dr. Andrew M. Minor
Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Facility Director, National Center for Electron Microscopy,
Molecular Foundry Division
Senior Faculty Scientist, Materials Science and Molecular Foundry Divisions, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dr. Zhiwei Shan
Director, Center for Advancing Materials Performance from the Nanoscale (CAMP-Nano) & Hysitron Applied Research Center, China (HARCC)
Director, Engineering Research Center for Magnesium-based New Materials
Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Dean, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
Dr. Khalid Hattar
Principle Member of the Technical Staff
Principle Member of the Technical Staff, Ion Beam Lab and Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Sandia National Laboratories
Dr. Eric Hintsala
Applications Scientist
Dr. Eric Hintsala is a Materials Scientist, with a B.S. from Michigan Technological University and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Hintsala's background is in mechanical properties of materials, nanomechanical testing techniques, and electron microscopy. Dr. Hintsala is part of R&D at Bruker NI, where he develops advanced instrumentation and testing techniques. Topics of particular interest include in situ testing, elevated temperature “in operando” testing and high speed nanoindentation mapping.