
FT-NIR Training Course



Our three-day training course educates NIR users on the details of data collection, best NIR practices, and method development for quantitative analysis. The course is intended for users of Bruker Optics FT-NIR spectrometers and will focus on the use of the Quant and OPUSLAB packages within the Bruker Optics OPUS software package.

The course will consist of lectures, and demonstrations which emphasize basic principles of FT-NIR instrumentation, data processing, sampling techniques, the OPUS/IR PC software, and introductory instrument maintenance and troubleshooting. Attendees will be provided with training data to follow along with course exercises.


  • Overview of NIR
  • NIR sample measurement techniques
  • NIR qualitative and quantitative method development
  • NIR lab practice
  • Instrument diagnostics and maintenance


  • OPUS/IR Analytical Software
  • OPUS/QUANT Software
  • OPUS/LAB Software


  • Basic maintenance procedures
  • Discussion with service personnel


A working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system and a familiarity with your Bruker FT-NIR instrument. The basics aspects of the operating system (e.g. copying files, formatting disks, installing printers) can be practiced in the Tutorial provided with the operating system.


April 8th - 10th, 2025 (remote) 
September 16th - 18th, 2025 (remote) 


The courses take place virtually and are held in two two-hour sessions each day, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (CST)



$ 2,100

(includes course materials)

If your Bruker NIR spectrometer has been installed within the last 12 months, one tuition is normally included as part of your purchase (please refer to your system quotation).

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Registration FT-NIR Training Courses (US and Canada only)

Training Course
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Spots are limited and will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis.

You will be notified and put on a waiting list if the class is full at the time of your registration.