Certificates for Standard Samples and Reagents

Bruker Service

Certificates for Standard Samples and Reagents

Below you can receive the Certificates (e.g. Certificates of Conformity (CoC), …) as well as the NMR-Spectrum. Please select the appropriate information-type and enter the indicate information.

For Certificates the information found on the Product Label:

  • Batch/Serial Product number or
  • Material Product number & Batch/Serial Product number (separated by a space or alternatively by an underscore)
  • Reference Number (REF) for EPR Standards

For the NMR Spectrum (not available for all products) the information found on the Certificate of Conformity:

  • Batch Mixture number

Please enter the batch numbers without leading zeros.

If your Batch NMR-Sample number includes a letter, please use this number for both, CoC and Spectrum. Please leave no space between all digits and letters, e.g. 33725A3.

There might come up several results if you search for a CoC. Please select the one which includes the material number from your sample. 

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