
PAT 解决方案



根据美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的定义 ,过程分析技术(PAT)是指通过测量影响关键质量特性(CQA)的关键过程参数(CPP),设计、分析和控制制药和生物制药制造过程的系统。




  • 减少浪费、增加产量、提高生产资产利用率
  • 实时质量保证和验证
  • 推进实时产品放行
  • 通过精益生产过程减少原材料、在制品和成品库存
  • 增强产品供应能力

布鲁克为PAT提供了一系列工具:即 PAT管理软件synTQ核磁共振波谱仪(NMR)、傅里叶变换近红外光谱仪(FT-NIR)拉曼光谱仪、XRD和XRF光谱仪等。用于PAT的NMR不受样本矩阵的影响,无需校准,并且可以快速、频繁地提供数据。近红外光谱仪(NIR)、FT-NIR和拉曼光谱仪提供基于振动光谱学的全面PAT解决方案。XRD特别适用于检测和预测可能发生并对药物质量产生不利影响的形态变化。XRF可以快速、准确地量化元素杂质,提供即时反馈。


QbD & PAT for Dummies 是一份简单易懂的指南,介绍了什么是质量源于设计(QbD)和PAT,以及支持这些方法的监管框架,还有如何利用这些概念积极改变生产流程和质量检测。

Discovery of small molecules that target RNA. NMR is the method of choice.
January 31, 2023

Process Analytical Technologies – Advances in Bioprocess from Integration to Transition to Digital Manufacturing

Process Analytical Technology (PAT) instruments include analyzers capable of measuring physical and chemical process parameters and key attributes with the goal of optimizing process controls.
September 21, 2022

Digitalization, Sustainability, and Process Analytical Technology - Trends in Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry 

Do you have sustainability goals? Where would you place your organization in the digitalization journey? Is process analytical technology being implemented or still something in the vision stage?
Discovery of small molecules that target RNA. NMR is the method of choice.
September 20, 2022

Path to Smart Manufacturing and Intelligent Development within Industry 4.0 – Building an Integrated Sensing Strategy

Over the years there have been many frames of reference on the use of process analytical technology (PAT) in the commercial manufacturing space including monitoring, closed-loop control, quality control/real-time release, advanced process control, quality by design, Industry 4.0, etc.


需要改进过程控制?厌倦了重复耗时的校准?布鲁克全新的台式核磁共振解决方案可在实际工艺条件下利用NMR对化学和生物工艺进行实时在线监测,让Flow NMR变得触手可及。
Discovery of small molecules that target RNA. NMR is the method of choice.
November 6, 2020

Next Generation Manufacturing at Biogen – PAT as an Enabler for Enhanced Process

Biogen is among the first biopharmaceutical companies to employ PAT in an active role in the manufacturing of biologicals.

Improving mechanistic understanding of fast reactions using rapid, reproducible in situ analysis by stop-flow NMR and IR

Mechanistic understanding is essential to control and optimize reactions so that by-products are reduced, yields are increased and reaction selectivities are improved.


布鲁克BioSpin 核磁共振和临床前成像产品的服务和生命周期支持

布鲁克承诺在整个购买周期内为客户提供无与伦比的帮助,从最初的咨询到评估、安装,以及仪器的使用寿命,这是LabScape 始终坚持的服务理念。

LabScape 的维护协议(Maintenance Agreements)、现场自选服务(On-site On-Demand)和实验室改进计划(Enhance Your Lab)旨在为现代实验室提供一种新的维护和服务方法。