布鲁克Anasys的 nanoIR3-s 系统将散射扫描近场光学显微镜(s-SNOM)、纳米级红外光谱(AFM-IR)与原子力显微镜(AFM)完美整合到单一平台。依托 Anasys 技术在 AFM 纳米光学表征方面的领先地位,nanoIR3-s 可提供纳米级红外光谱、化学成像和光学成像,在 2D 材料样品上实现 10 纳米空间分辨率。该系统还可以提供达到纳米级分辨率的 AFM 形貌和性能成像,因此是对各种材料科学应用开展相关性研究的理想仪器。
只有 nanoIR3-s 能够提供:
POINTspectra 激光器可执行多个波长的光谱分析和高分辨光学成像。nanoIR3-s让测试更加简单:
Equipped with optional OPO/DFG femtosecond laser technology, the nanoIR3-s system delivers the broadest spectral range to enable high-performance combined spectroscopy and high-resolution nanochemical imaging. This unique set of capabilities enables research in a broad range of research areas in historically inaccessible spectral regions.
High-quality, high-resolution nano-optical images can be generated for characterization of a wide range of optical phenomena, such as graphene plamonics and surface phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), and chemical imaging of biological and other organic samples.