高分辨率显微断层扫描(micro-CT)尽管不是一项新技术,但如今已被常规地应用于科研当中。大多数情况下,micro-CT 被用作显微镜的替代品,用于观察或寻找外部和内部结构。然而,micro-CT 可以被用来澄清一些尚未解答的问题,也可以用于教育目的。而在许多情况下,micro-CT 完全可以为自己代言——艺术。
micro-CT 的主要优点在于,它是一种非破坏性的技术,一旦样品被扫描,重建的图像可以直接存储,并且在任何时候查看、旋转、切片等,因此这种技术可以在任何可能的角度研究外部和内部结构的细节。
Javier Alba-Tercedor 教授
他的许多研究都是利用水生大型无脊椎动物进行水道退化的生物评估。因此,他开发了IBMWP(Iberian Biomonitoring Working Party)方法,如今正式用于评估西班牙水道的生态状况,以实现欧洲框架水指令的要求,他作为科学专家参与了该指令的初步发展,并发表了240多篇关于这些主题的文章(论文、书籍、章节、报告、新闻等)。
由于这些关于micro-CT的科研成果,他在年度国际Skyscan/Bruker micro-CT用户会议上多次获奖。但他强调,毫无疑问,他在显微断层扫描的热情所带来的最奇特的经历是与电影业的合作。因此,他与加拿大BUF的视觉效果公司合作,扫描出现在电影 "银翼杀手2049 "中的甲虫,该电影赢得了2018年好莱坞的奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖。教授最近的大部分micro-CT论文都发表在《PLoS One》和《自然》杂志的科学报告上。
Prof. Dr. Javier Alba-Tercedor
Professor of Zoology, University of GranadaHe is a full Professor of Zoology at the Department of Zoology of the University of Granada in Spain, where he has been teaching since October 1st of 1977. Since then he have been teaching different subjects.
He conducted research and did stays in institutions and universities of different countries: Poland, Check Republic, Australia, Canada, and USA. The main topics of his research have been on aquatic macroinvertebrates: taxonomical and ecological aspects (mainly with insects, and mostly on mayflies and stoneflies), describing new species from Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Australia. A lot of effort of his carrier it has been the use of aquatic macroinvertebrates for bioassessment of watercourses degradation. Thus, he developed the method IBMWP (Iberian Biomonitoring Working Party) nowadays official to assess the Ecological Status of the Spanish water courses to achieve the exigencies of the European Frame Water Directive, and he participated as scientific expert during the preliminary development that directive. As a result, he has publish more than 240 titles (papers, books, chapters, reports, press news, etc.) on these subjects. However, he recognizes that since he first glimpsed the possibilities of micro-CT, and since in 2010 he started to work with microtomography, micro-CT has become his main passion and he has been doing research with this technique non only for anatomical studies, but what he likes to says as “unveiling mysteries in science”. Thank to these micro-CT works he was awarded several times during the annual international Skyscan/Bruker micro-CT user’s meetings he participated. But he stresses that without a doubt the most curious experience that his passion for microtomography has led to him it was the collaboration with the film industry. Thus he collaborated with the Canadian BUF’s visual effects company by scanning the beetles appearing in the film “Blade Runner 2049” that won 2018 Best Visual Effects Oscar in Hollywood. Most of his recent micro-CT papers have been publish in the journals PLoS One and Scientific Reports of Nature.