网络研讨会 - 2018


电池电解质中的离子移动性对电池性能有很大影响。多核扩散核磁共振支持直接观察不同离子的流动性,因为它们包含不同的核(1H、19F、7Li、23Na......),可通过多核核磁共振独立检测。PFG NMR 扩散的另一个应用是确定聚合物的分子量分布(MWD)。这代表了一种比通过尺寸排除色谱法直接测定MWD更快、更便宜的方法。



研讨会还将描述可用作电池电解质的离子液体的多核PFG NMR扩散测量,并解释单个离子测量的可能性。最后,主讲人还准备了一个实验操作的展示。


本次网络研讨会将提供脉冲场梯度核磁共振(PFG NMR)扩散实验的概要,即便对PFG核磁共振不熟悉的人也可以参会。接下来,将介绍聚合物在溶液中的扩散情况,重点是MWD。还将介绍使用多核PFG NMR扩散来确定离子液体中单个离子的流动性。



  • 自扩散和示踪剂扩散
  • 测量原理
  • DOSY

使用 PFG NMR 在溶剂中的聚合物扩散:

  • 浓度依赖性
  • 分子量分布


  • 离子液体
  • 单个离子的扩散
  • 温度依赖性
  • 与PFG NMR有关的仪器和自动化流程





Dr. Klaus Zick

Bruker BioSpin GmbH Germany

Graduated from University of Stuttgart after performing Field Cycling NMR on organic conductors as part of the work by Prof. Mehring's group. He then completed his PhD at Max Planck Institut für Metallforschung in Stuttgart, where he investigated self-diffusion of lithium atoms in lithium metal using PFG-NMR and Fast-Field-Cycling NMR. For many years now, Klaus Zick has worked for the Bruker micro imaging group, mainly dealing with high-power gradient diffusion NMR.

Dr. Dieter Gross

Bruker BioSpin GmbH Germany

Studied physics at the University of Heidelberg and graduated at the German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg about dosimetry for tumor treatment with 14 MeV neutrons. He continued at the Max Planck Institute für medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg with a dissertation about 14N and 2H Quadrupolar Coupling Tensors in Sodium Nitroprusside. He has joined Bruker in 1984 and is working in the field of NMR microscopy, diffusion and RheoNMR as head of the application team and as portfolio manager.


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