Poster Hall Metabolomics
Poster Hall Metabolomics





脂质组学涵盖所有亲脂性化合物,可视为代谢组的一个子集。许多脂质在细胞通讯等方面发挥着重要作用,并与代谢性疾病有关。尽管脂质的结构多种多样,但物理特性却十分相似,与传统的代谢组学方法不同,脂质组学需要专门的解决方案。布鲁克特有的 MetaboScape® 软件支持代谢组学及脂质组学工作流程,利用捕集型离子淌度技术( TIMS ) 提供额外的分离维度提高注释的置信度。


本海报集锦集中展示了利用布鲁克技术进行的一系列独特研究、例如展示了 CCS 值和 PASEF 采集模式的优势。感谢所有贡献自己研究成果的研究人员。





Poster IMSC 2022: Applying Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS) for Vitamin D Epimer Differentiation

Poster IMSC 2022: Enhanced 4D workflows using TIMS for advancing small molecule research

Poster IMSC 2022: CCS-enabled timsTOF Pro PASEF® workflow for in vitro human liver microsome drug metabolites profiling and characterization

Poster IMSC 2022: High resolution ion mobility timsTOF Pro for the fast separation and characterization of isomeric bile acids

Poster IMSC 2022: A Non-targeted 4D-Metabolomics™ Workflow for Quality Control of Chiral Heparin Disaccharide by LC-timsTOF and MetaboScape®

Poster 2021: CCS Predict Pro

Poster 2021: MetaboScape® 2022 for core labs

Poster 2020: 4-dimensional annotation of Metabolomics features: CCS values as an additional source for higher confidence 

Poster 2020: Untargeted UHLC-HR-QTOF-MS metabolomics study to unravel metabolites contrlling wood formation in aspen trees 

Poster 2020: Integrating MetaboScape® and PollyTM for the analysis of LC-TIMS-MS and LC-MS based fluxomics 

Poster 2020: Inlet Probe Coupled to Trapped Ion Mobility Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Poster 2019: Integrating 4D peak picking of LC-TIMS-MS/MS data into GNPS feature based molecular networking for metabolomics and lipidomics analysis 

Poster 2019: Integrated workflow with quality control for large cohort and clinical metabolomics research using robust hardware and signal correction 

Poster 2019: Development of a Collision Cross Section Library using Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS) and Its Use in Plant Metabolomics 

Poster 2019: Enabling Rapid and High-confidence Metabolite Identification using HILIC-QTOF based MS/MS-RT library 

Poster 2019: Integration of metabolomic and lipidomic workflows for studying biological samples

