Great data for all users
all the time
AutoCalibrate monitors several key parameters, making sure users are always generating great data. These parameters ensure that users get the best signal-to-noise from their experiments, the fewest artifacts, and the best resolution. AutoCalibrate can be used for all users, no matter the types of samples they run. The parameters that are checked are global parameters used by nearly all NMR experiments,
The key ingredient to generating great NMR data
The aim of AutoCalibrate is to ensure all users are generating great data no matter if using TopSpin or IconNMR, be they beginner or expert spectroscopists. When combined with AutoDiagnose, regular AutoCalibrate test results are visible to the user. AutoDiagnose provides a health status overview of all connected instruments to the user and greater insights allowing the customer to benefit from improved service support.
Pulse Calibration
By maintaining the proton and carbon pulse lengths, we ensure that the majority of all NMR data collected is acquired with the highest signal to noise and the least number of artifacts. Checking the pulse lengths is automated with AutoCalibrate, as is updating the pulse tables and generating update information in the form of a daily report. Go to bed and wake up to calibrated pulses! It couldn’t be any easier.
Temperature Calibration
Maintaining constant and accurate temperature will ensure stable chemical shifts and fewer artifacts in complex spectra. AutoCalibrate will set the proper flow rate, calibrate the heater power, and correct the temperature.
Shim Calibration
Creating a basis 3D shim plot for the AutoCalibrate standard sample enables faster and more accurate 1D shimming on user’s samples as well as troubleshooting information
The AutoCalibrate sample contains a very accurate amount of DSS, 0.5mM specifically. Using this material, we can test qNMR response and calibrate against it for determination of accuracy.
Parameter | Behavior |
Proton 90° Pulse |
Using the water signal, AutoCalibrate executes a 5-point array to determine the optimal 360° pulse and compares with 360° pulse expected from Prosol table.
Carbon 90° Pulse | Using the DSS 13C satellites AutoCalibrate executes a 3-point array to determine the optimal 90° pulse and compares with 90° pulse expected from Prosol table.
Parameter | Behavior |
Temperature 298K |
If measured temp deviates from 298K by >0.1K a new temperature correction curve is generated using measured start temp and then stat temp + 5K |
Parameter | Behavior |
3D shimming |
AutoCalibrate will run a 3D shim. It will save good shim file after testing linewidth to be certain shimming was successful.
Parameter | Behavior |
qNMR test |
AutoCalibrate will use the PROF1H parameter set to measure the concentration of DSS and ensure it is 0.5mM. This can then be used with ERETIC II routine and the PROF1H parameter set to measure the concentration of unknowns.
Bob Berno, NMR Facility Manager
McMaster University, Canada
“The AutoCalibrate tests provide convenient complementary data to our regular preventive maintenance testing regimen. With the AutoCalibrate test results we were able to catch the fact that one of our probes was starting to get dirty, even before we would have noticed it on a user sample spectra. Once AutoCalibrate reported a problem during 3D shim a few times, after ruling out other possible causes we cleaned the probe, and then the AutoCalibrate testing passed and our probe was back to optimal performance. By using AutoCalibrate in combination with LabScape ProDiagnose, we not only ensure great data but also gain a full overview of the health status of our NMR systems."
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