Vacuum FT-IR Spectrometer


The VERTEX NEO R represents the new generation of vacuum FT-IR spectrometers, designed to set new standards in advanced research applications. With an emphasis on flexibility, precision, and innovation, it delivers the ultimate support for cutting-edge scientific exploration.

A Leap Forward.

The Next Generation for Vacuum FT-IR Research

Where Innovation Meets Discovery

Building on 50 years of success in the FT-IR academic and research market, we proudly present our next-generation FT-IR vacuum research spectrometer VERTEX NEO R. Designed with cutting-edge technology and well-proven unique features, this new instrument is not just an upgrade - it's a revolution! More powerful electronics, more flexible optics bench, all new vacuum ATR technology, VERTEX NEO R is designed to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and continue our legacy of superior VERTEX performance.

Why Vacuum FT-IR?

Key Features

  • Full-vacuum optics for maximum stability and sensitivity.
  • Unique vacuum ATR with accessible sample stage for easy handling.
  • RockSolid™ interferometer with aluminum-coated optics and 30° incidence for efficiency.
  • MultiTect™ supports up to 5 detectors; DigiTect™ for specialized detectors.
  • Ample space for MCTs with 12–24 h holding time (optional cover).
  • Dual-channel 24-bit ADC for fully digitized signal processing.
  • Easy upgrades for near IR, far IR, and VIS/UV ranges.
  • Touch panel with OPUS TOUCH software for intuitive and advanced R&D workflows.
  • Software-selectable 5 exit and 2 input beam ports.
  • Superior Rapid, Slow, Step, and Interleaved TRS scanning modes for time-resolved measurements.
  • THz extension with a separated optical path.
  • Compatible with VERTEX and INVENIO modules and accessories.
  • Large compartment for bulky accessories.
  • LED light bar indicates instrument status.

The First True Vacuum ATR

Unique vacuum ATR accessory offering fully evacuated beam path with freely accessible sample stage for stable measurements and easy sample handling. Full vacuum ATR technology revolutionizes FT-IR analysis by preventing atmospheric interference, allowing for ultra-clear, high-precision measurements. This breakthrough enables the detection of subtle molecular details, even in challenging mid- and far-IR ranges, making it ideal for analyzing sensitive or low-concentration samples. With unparalleled sensitivity and accuracy, full vacuum ATR elevates your research capabilities to new heights.

Innovative Time-resolved Measurements with an Improved Interleaved Data Acquisition

The advanced electronics of the VERTEX NEO R enable faster data acquisition, making it ideal for time-resolved measurements of repeatable and triggerable processes. Its innovative interleaved algorithm eliminates time window constraints, allowing continuous, long-duration monitoring. This breakthrough opens new possibilities, expanding research capabilities like never before.

More Flexibility in Detector Positioning

The VERTEX NEO R features an innovative optical path design that integrates the MultiTectTM automated five-position room-temperature detector unit within a vacuum environment, while preserving the benefits of the DigiTectTM slots. This gives you flexible configuration options: up to 5 room temperature of TE-cooled detectors plus one LN2 detector, or two LN2 detectors. All detector configuration options support automatic switching between detectors - without compromising the vacuum. Additionally, support for 12-hour temperature-holding LN₂-cooled detector is a standard feature, ensuring optimal performance over extended periods.

Variety of solutions for cryo-free Far-IR measurements

The hybrid CW/FIR verTera THz extension is fully integrated into the VERTEX NEO R optical path, extending the spectral range to 3 cm-1 (< 90 GHz) with a resolution < 0.0007 cm-1 (< 20 MHz), without blocking detector positions. It uses the same sample compartment and accessories for both FT-IR and THz measurements. For high sensitivity in the far-IR and reduced operational costs, a closed-cycle He-cooled bolometer is available. The VERTEX NEO R also supports  Bruker’s well-established  FM technology for simultaneous far- and mid-IR measurements.

RockSolidTM interferometer, improved optical design, and the new generation electronics

The introduction of the cube-corner permanently aligned Bruker Optics RockSolidTM interferometer revolutionized FT-IR standards. Building on this legacy, the VERTEX NEO R combines this heritage with an advanced optical design and the latest generation of electronics, pushing the boundaries of performance even further. It features external input beam ports (each with an internal aperture wheel), an 8-position filter wheel for validation and custom filters, a 13-position aperture wheel, internal source modules, a 5-position automated attenuator wheel, and software-controlled beam exit ports. This design offers exceptional flexibility in both internal and external configurations. With a resolution better than 0.16 cm-1 and an accuracy exceeding 0.005 cm-1, and high signal-to-noise ratio.


The VERTEX NEO R is an exceptional tool for academic research, offering advanced capabilities that make it ideal for diverse applications. Its high flexibility and adaptability support both large-scale central facilities and specialized, customized experimental setups, making it invaluable for demanding research environments.

Polymers and Chemistry

VERTEX NEO R is a powerful tool for polymers and chemical applications, enabling the identification of inorganic fillers in polymer composites in the far infrared region using Bruker FM. It supports dynamic studies of polymers, as well as the determination of volatile compounds and decomposition processes through TGA-FT-IR. With MIR fiber probe capabilities, FTIR facilitates real-time reaction monitoring and control, along with the identification of inorganic minerals and pigments, ensuring comprehensive analysis for complex chemical systems.

Green Technologies

FT-IR technology supports green technologies by providing multispectral range characterization of new materials for sustainable energy solutions. It enables the monitoring of efficiency and degradation of electrodes and other cell materials in battery research, while also characterizing the emittance behavior of materials using passive radiative cooling (PRC) materials and thermal emissivity techniques.

Additionally, high-resolution gas phase spectroscopy with TG facilitates detailed analysis of material decomposition processes for advanced environmental and energy applications.


FT-IR technology plays a crucial role in catalysis by enabling real-time, millisecond-scale spectral analysis for enhanced reaction monitoring. DRIFTS measurements in the reaction cell provide valuable insights into the dynamics of catalytic reactions, offering comprehensive analysis for catalysis research and applications. Additionally, with capabilities for vacuum-compatible experimental setups, FT-IR helps in the determination of volatile compounds and the characterization of decomposition processes through TG-FT-IR.


FT-IR technology offers high-resolution analysis of crystals and coatings, enabling in-depth characterization of semiconductor materials. It reveals the electronic structures of semiconductors using MIR and NIR photoluminescence solutions, providing crucial insights for material development. Additionally, FT-IR facilitates the determination of oxygen and carbon contents in silicon wafers, ensuring precise quality control in semiconductor manufacturing.

Solid-state Physics

In solid-state physics, FT-IR technology enables high-resolution analysis of crystals and coatings, providing detailed structural insights. It also reveals the electronic structures of semiconductor materials using MIR and NIR photoluminescence solutions, enhancing the understanding of material properties and behavior at the microscopic level. Bruker also offers a wide range of options for cryostat integration.

Life Science

FT-IR technology offers non-destructive vacuum analysis of biological samples only with the VERTEX NEO R vacuum ATR, providing exceptional sensitivity for detecting low compound concentrations. It enables detailed investigations of proteins in water (CONFOCHECK) and the determination of absolute molecular configurations (VCD). Additionally, FT-IR is invaluable in characterizing the stability and volatile content of medical drug products through TG-FT-IR, while differentiating polymorphs of active pharmaceutical ingredients in the far infrared region with Bruker FM.

Astronomy and Space Technology

FT-IR technology plays a pivotal role in astronomy and space technology by determining the molecular composition of samples collected from space missions, providing valuable insights into extraterrestrial materials. It also aids in the characterization of materials and devices used in the astronomical field, driving improvements in technology and enhancing our understanding of space environments. Additionally, FT-IR supports matrix isolation and ice analog simulations, replicating space conditions to study molecular formation, the evolution of the universe, and the origins of life.


The development of 6G and 7G telecommunications brings FT-IR spectroscopy into focus by shifting frequencies to the FIR regime. Solutions such as verTera, cryo-free bolometers, and FM technology are instrumental in studying emitters and receivers within this range. The use of AM-step scan methodology enhances sensitivity even further, providing precise and reliable characterization critical for next-generation telecommunications.