Li-Ion Batteries
Li-Ion Batteries

Rapid and Cost-Effective Metal Analysis for the Material Sciences and Battery Research

On-Demand Session - 50 Minutes

TXRF - A Fast and Efficient Method for Trace Metal Analysis

This webinar will demonstrate the application of benchtop Total Reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectrometers in the material sciences and battery research. We will highlight how TXRF requires only simple sample preparation for the analysis of powders, ionic liquids, electrolytes and electrodes, avoiding the laborious digestion procedures with hazardous chemicals used in other analytical techniques.

TXRF can be used to monitor the recycling of precious metals, transition metals and rare earth elements (REE). The ionic liquids used as solvents for metals recycling can be directly analyzed using TXRF after a simple dilution step with detection limits typically in the low ppb range.

Battery research also benefits from the use of TXRF. The graphite anodes used in batteries must be free of metallic impurities. Following preparation of a suspension the contaminants present in graphite powders can be quantified using TXRF, allowing users to determine the purity of their graphite sample.

The dissolution of transition metals from a battery's cathode is thought to have a major influence on its cycle life due to the deposition of those metals on the graphitic anode. In addition, the content of these particles through the electrolyte is of interest due to the unknown mechanisms. TXRF is able to determine specific transition metals in the low ppb ranges and offers the possibilities to analyze solid materials and particles in a non-destructive way. Therefore, TXRF promises to be a powerful tool in the determination of these deposited transitions metals of battery materials in comparison to common existing methods with less sample preparation.

Whether you are interested in quality control, research and development or the cost-reduction of analytical services, this webinar will give you the information you need on the capabilities of most modern TXRF techniques. 

There will be a 15 minutes Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.

Who Should Attend?

  • Researchers at institutions for material sciences
  • Scientists at institutes for battery research and production
  • Quality control and safety assurance managers and technical assistants from the recycling, metal processing industry and battery production
  • Employees at institutions for occupational safety and environmental protection
Typical TXRF spectrum of a magnetic material.
Typical TXRF spectrum of a magnetic material
Graphite powder for anode production
Graphite powder for anode production


Dr. Sascha Nowak

Head of the Division Analytics & Environment, University of Muenster

Dr. Armin Gross

Global Product Manager TXRF, Bruker Nano Analytics

Dr. Hagen Stosnach

Application Scientist TXRF, Bruker Nano Analytics

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