IFPAC 2023

IFPAC 2023 Content Download

Process Analytical Technology is one of the most exciting and important advanced technology areas meeting both the current challenges, as well as the future needs of industry. Each year the IFPAC Scientific Board consisting of industry, regulatory, and academic leaders work collaboratively to create a comprehensive program that addresses important mainstay topics, as well as the latest trends, technologies and applications.

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Discover our Solutions

Benchtop NMR

Need to improve process control? Tired of repetitive and time-consuming calibrations?
Flow NMR is now at your fingertips with our new benchtop solution for online monitoring of chemical and bio processes by NMR, in real-time, under real process conditions.

Bruker’s Fourier RxnLab provides answers to key chemical questions, such as conversion, in-situ reaction yield and reaction kinetics.
Provides answers to key chemical questions: reaction yield, mechanistic insights and reaction kinetics Harness NMR data to make strategic process chemistry decisions, ultimately leading to cost savings.

Process Analytical Technologies

PAT offers the pharmaceutical industry a framework for revolutionizing its R&D and manufacturing businesses, to produce value for both themselves and patients. The main benefits associated with PAT for companies include:

  • Reduced waste, right-first-time manufacturing, higher production asset utilization
  • Real-time quality assurance and validation
  • Increased movement toward a real-time product release
  • Reduced raw material, work-in-progress, and finished goods inventories by lean manufacturing processes
  • Increased robust product supply to the public 

Intelligent Production on Demand

Bruker has joined forces with 3 other companies (NovAliX, Alysophil, De Dietrich Process Systems) to take on-demand API manufacturing a step further. The partnership leverages the combination of breakthrough synthesis, continuous flow chemistry, in-flow benchtop NMR and IR analysis with artificial intelligence and additive manufacturing to create an autonomously AI-piloted chemical micro-plant. Download the technical note to find out more and watch the videos interviews to get to know each of the partners. 

Artificial intelligence can learn to control a car. Can AI control a chemical reaction?

Resources – Webinars:

Webinar with Marina Kirkitadze, Sanofi, Gabriella Gerzon, York University and Martin Gadsby, Optimal Industrial Technologies

Webinar with Mark Henson and Mark Milton, Takeda, Andy Philips, AstraZeneca and Martin Gadsby, Optimal Industrial Technologies