TD-NMR Contrast Agent Analysis
The minispec Contrast Agent Analyzer is used to study the effect of pharmaceuticals known as “MRI contrast agents” on the NMR relaxation of protons in water or fat. Contrast agents are used to enhance contrast in Magnetic Resonance images between tissues that otherwise would be difficult to differentiate. These are especially soft tissue of the central nervous, digestive, lymphatic and cardiovascular system, liver, breast and lung.
Design of a successful contrast agent requires conflicting pharmaceutical and MRI properties to be met at once: although metal ions like Mn^{2+} and Gd^{3+} may lead to a very good contrast enhancement, they need to be chelated because the applied concentrations of the ‘naked ions‘ are toxic.
The minispec mq-series of bench-top NMR instruments play a key role in characterizing and validating the properties of contrast agents. The task is to examine the T_1 and T_2 relaxation time shortening of fat and water protons by contrast agents. The fat and water protons are predominantly responsible for the MR image.
Contrast Agent Analyzers:
Console with Broadband RF Electronics:
Magnet Unit:
Probe Temperature Options
System Requirements
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