Food safety analysis with portable XRF
Food safety analysis with portable XRF

Food Safety Analysis with Portable XRF Spectrometers

Food Testing Equipment

Safe and nutritious food is of primary concern to everyone, from the farm to the table. The recent prevalence of contaminants and adulterated, counterfeit or fraudulent food has led to an increase in public awareness and government regulations.

Simple, routine and sophisticated science-based methods enable a reliable, precise, accurate, transparent and harmonious decision making process for safe and nutritious food the world over. Bruker’s portable XRF solutions offer multi-element analysis with off-the-shelf or customized methods to provide actionable results at any stage of the food production process – from the presence of required elemental nutrients to threats from elemental and metal contaminants.

Foreign Body Identification in Food Products

Significant cost savings are realized when a food manufacturer can decrease the time required to identify a found physical contaminant and locate its source. The faster you can identify it and determine if it is from faulty equipment, starting material, or even a false claim, the faster production can get going again. Bruker's portable XRF spectrometers help you identify and determine contaminants in food products.

Heavy Metals Found in Food Products

Our handheld and portable XRF instruments allow you to measure heavy metals and other toxic elements in food products in a quickly and accurately way. XRF provides fast, nondestructive elemental analysis of food, from starting materials to end products.

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