Image of an elemental map of an electronic component taken using micro-XRF on SEM
Image of an elemental map of an electronic component taken using micro-XRF on SEM

XTrace 2 - The X-Ray Source for micro-XRF on SEM

X-ray tube power
Reduce your acquisition time with high-power X-ray generation
Aperture Management System
Scan topographic samples with an enhanced depth of field, and choose between 6 filters for further background reduction and increased trace element detection 
Source Insertion and Retraction Mode
Automatically and safely insert and retract the X-ray optic source

XTrace 2 - The Latest X-Ray Source for Scanning Electron Microscopes

The next-generation X-ray source in QUANTAX micro-XRF that pushes the capabilities of micro-XRF on SEM even further:
  • Analyze light and heavy elements quickly with high energy X-rays.
  • Determine small peaks in complex samples via selection of up to 6 filters.
  • Scan topographic samples using a patented Aperture Management System.
  • Accurately analyze powders via large spot size measurements.
  • Automate your analysis process with motorized source insertion and retraction.
XTrace 2 - Advanced X-Ray Source for micro-XRF on SEM

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