Dairy Analysis Workshop: How NIR spectroscopy can help to streamline your (non-) dairy production
Dairy Analysis Workshop: How NIR spectroscopy can help to streamline your (non-) dairy production
FT-NIR Dairy Webinar

Dairy Analysis Workshop: How NIR spectroscopy can help to streamline your (non-) dairy production


Dairy Analysis Workshop

Are you involved in quality control of milk and dairy products in the laboratory or production floor? Or do you produce non-dairy products like plant-based milk, yoghurt, or vegan cheese? Join our virtual workshop free of charge with expert advice and hands-on demonstrations.

Our Agenda

Why FT-NIR spectroscopy is a powerful alternative to conventional technologies
Dr. Andreas Niemöller, Business Unit Manager for Food Analysis Solutions at Bruker Optics, will highlight why NIR is today established as an indispensable rapid analysis technology for analysis of ingredients and products. He will show what Bruker as a leading analytical company offers in terms of tailor-made solutions for the dairy industry – from small, touch screen accessible, analyzers up to fully automated in-process systems for closed loop control.

Introducing the new MPA II Dairy Analyzer with hands-on demo
Jörg Hauser, Dairy Manager at Bruker Optics will introduce the latest addition to Bruker’s portfolio, the new MPA II Dairy Analyzer based on FT-NIR spectroscopy for the analysis of liquid and solid dairy and non-dairy products. He will demonstrate the new MPA II Dairy Analyzer live from the lab with different sample types, from raw milk and vegan drinks to yoghurt, cheese, and plant-based products. You will learn the workflow of an analysis, see how the results are displayed and be surprised about the ease-of-use and speed of FT-NIR technology.

Experience and results of Industry 4.0 and Bruker FT-NIR spectrometers for the monitoring and process control of dairy products
Dr. Alfonso Perez Gallardo, Product and Process Research Manager at Sigma Alimentos, a leading multinational food company with over 70 production facilities worldwide, will talk about the implementation of FT-NIR in the context of “Industry 4.0”. Having a broad expertise in the development, implementation, and monitoring of in-line production measurement and control projects, Dr. Gallardo will highlight the benefits, but also how the pitfalls when implementing FT-NIR spectroscopy into dairy production lines.

Q&A with our dairy experts
We are happy to answer the questions you may have regarding NIR spectroscopy in the lab or directly in the process stream.

The new MPA II Dairy Analyzer for liquid, solid and semi-solid dairy and non-dairy products

Your Benefits

After this workshop you will have an overview of the solutions Bruker has to offer for dairy and non-dairy analysis. During the live demo, you have gained a good impression on how this technology can help in your daily routine work in the lab. You will also have an insight on how FT-NIR can be implemented into the process and what the benefits are to go online.

The workshop will also be available on demand. However, if you join us live, you will receive a certificate of attendance for your files.


Your Speakers

Dr. Andreas Niemoeller
Business Unit Manager Food Analysis Solutions - Bruker Optics

Dr Andreas Niemoeller holds worldwide responsibility for the Food, Feed and Agriculture markets, mainly for FT-NIR.

As an analytical chemist, he started to work with NIR and chemometrics already during his diploma and PhD thesis. For the last 20 years at Bruker Optics, he worked in sales for different industries including process applications and has supported software and hardware development at Bruker.

In addition to his manager role, he is involved in projects for the development of analytical standards including the International Dairy Federation (IDF), International Standards Organization (ISO) and AOAC International.


Joerg Hauser
Global Dairy Manager - Bruker Optics

Jörg Hauser is the Global Dairy Manager at Bruker Optics with more than 20 years of experience in the field of FT-NIR spectroscopy. He has accompanied dozens of installations at dairy factories worldwide and shared his knowledge during customer trainings on-site as well as in-house.  In his role in Dairy Business Development, he attended numerous international conferences within the IDF scope and beyond.

Dr. Alfonso Perez Gallardo
Dairy Product and Process Research Manager - Sigma Alimentos

Dr. Alfonso Perez Gallardo has a Ph.D. in Food Science and is Product and Process Research Manager – Dairy at Sigma Alimentos and since 2012 in charge of the Central Laboratory of Measurements.

His work includes the development of rheological, thermal, microstructural, and spectroscopic analysis methodologies, as well as their certification. This is where the necessary expertise arises for the development, implementation, and monitoring of the methodologies necessary for the development of in-line production measurement and control projects for yogurt and cheese.

His expertise in online spectroscopy led to 3 patents related to the development of in-line measurement, production of extruded products, and functional fats. He also participates in the study of products, processes, and applications related to the exploration of future technologies that involve biotechnology to produce cultured meat and nanotechnology.