Advances in Food and Beverage Analysis 2021

This online symposium took place on July 15, 2021
Brought to you by Technology Networks

Online Symposium Overview

The global food supply chain is more complex than ever and the challenge of monitoring the huge variety of products we consume remains key to ensuring consumer safety and confidence. This event features an impressive line-up of scientists and technology providers that are working hands-on at the cutting edge of research aimed at addressing some of the most pressing issues in food safety and quality analysis.

Bruker session

Food Adulteration and Authenticity Analysis - New Mass Spectrometry Solutions to Combat Food Fraud

Analysis of food has many aspects, of which food safety and food quality being the most common. However, occurrences of food frauds are increasing, and this is clearly a major concern. Food adulteration and authenticity have very significant impact on the safety of consumers as well as a on the reputation and commercial success of producers and distributors.

In this presentation, we will discuss the latest Bruker Mass Spectrometry solutions that provide essential capabilities to answer food adulteration and authenticity questions rapidly and confidently. We will cover several different workflows and real-life examples to provide a comprehensive overview of capabilities that modern methods and technology have to offer.


Artem Filipenko, Ph.D.
National Applied Markets Manager, Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA, USA


For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.