지속 가능성에 대한 장기적 접근

사회적 책임을 다하는 회사

Bruker Corporation’s ESG report 2023 reflects our culture of incorporating sustainability principles across its global operations.

With a truly global presence, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, and exercising high standards of corporate governance.
The report presents a detailed analysis of Bruker’s sustainability performance across key elements of ESG, climate impact, diversity and inclusion, ethical practices, and community engagement.


Our Sustainability Strategy

Our core mission has long been to develop instruments and solutions that unlock the mysteries of cell and disease biology and enable advancements in human health and the health of our broader ecosystem. Whether for developing lifesaving medicines, battery technology for electric vehicles, or assuring the purity of our food, researchers increasingly rely on our innovations as their tools of discovery.

Our commitment to sustainability starts with a deep commitment to the academic research and business community to drive purposeful innovation to enable new discoveries that support a more sustainable future.

Based on an initial materiality assessment in 2022, we have identified key focal points and metrics designed to assess our current standing and progress in each area of sustainability. The assessment gathers input from representatives from our executive management team, all of our business groups, our compliance and human resource teams. In addition, we discuss factors with suppliers, customers, investors, and our Board of Directors. This process is supported by an external advisor to provide an independent perspective.

We regularly review our materiality assessment and update it as necessary to ensure the focus of our reporting. The identified topics are each accompanied by one or more key performance indicators to be measured over time.


Innovation Driving Sustainability

Bruker’s innovative technologies and solutions support scientists and businesses around the world to explore, understand, and improve the world in which we live. Our innovative spirit drives solutions intended to address environmental challenges, improve recycling, advance research discovery, identify hazardous and harmful materials in the environment, and keep our foods and environment safe. We are proud to support a more sustainable future.

Whistleblowing and Reporting Channels

Bruker Integrity Line

Bruker employees and external whistleblowers (e.g., direct and indirect suppliers, customers and other third parties) can report possible compliance violations, including potential human rights and environmental violations, within the company or its supply chain anonymously and confidentially via the Bruker Integrity Line.

The Bruker Integrity Line is available 24/7 in a total of 12 languages. Reports can be submitted by phone via local, toll numbers in 27 countries or by online submission in all countries worldwide.

The Bruker Integrity Line serves as the complaints procedure in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (“Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz” or “LkSG”).

제품 소개

무결성을 통한 혁신은 Bruker의 신조로, 이를 다방면으로 추구합니다. Bruker는 창의적이고 개방적인 환경을 조성하여 혁신과 기술 진보를 장려합니다.  Bruker의 목표는 생명과학, 제약, 산업 분자 연구 방면에서 고객의 성공을 돕는 제품을 만들고 지원하는 것입니다.

지속 가능한 비즈니스를 위한 관행

Bruker는 액체 질소 및 헬륨의 사용을 최소화하는 등 환경적 영향을 최소화하고 더욱 지속 가능한 제조 공정을 모색하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

사람 중심의 기업

Bruker 최고의 자산은 바로 사람입니다. 직원들에게 리더십 트레이닝, 자기계발, 다양성, 안전 건강 관련 프로그램을 제공하며, 협업, 개방성을 토대로 혁신적이고 의사결정이 빠른 직장 문화를 장려하며 삶의 질을 높이는 데에 중점을 둡니다.

지역사회에 기여

학부생 및 졸업생을 위한 교육 프로그램에서 정부기관에 대한 지원까지, Bruker는 다음 세대의 과학자를 육성하기 위해 지역사회에 적극적으로 기여하고 있습니다.