
Trainingscourses Switzerland

Attend the Bruker OPUS courses in Switzerland to profit from advanced knowledge for your spectroscopic application.


August, 19th - 30th 2024

Bruker Switzerland AG, Fällanden

Course Offer in German Language

Montag, 19. August 2024

ALPHA II - Qualitätskontrollen in Apotheken:

  • Prinzipien der FT-IR Spektroskopie und deren Anwendungsbereich
  • Identitätsprüfung gemäss Ph. Eur. Kapitel 2.2.24
  • Organisation der Messdaten
  • Pflege der Referenzdaten
  • Dokumentation der Prüfergebnisse
  • Qualitätskontrolle eigener Produkte: Identitäts-, Gehaltsprüfung
  • Praxisbeispiele am ALPHA II

Dienstag, 20. August 2024

IR - Interpretationskurs

  • Grundlagen der IR-Spektroskopie 
  •  Interpretation von Spektren organischer Moleküle im mittleren IR (4000 cm-1 - 400 cm-1): Gruppenschwingungen, Zuordnung von Schwingungsdaten, Systematischer Interpretationsvorgang

Mittwoch, 21. August 2024

OPUS-Grundkenntnisse im Arbeitsalltag:

  • Messfunktionen & Bedienparameter
  • Hauptfunktionen der Spektren Behandlung
  • Einrichten der Benutzeroberfläche
  • Dokumentation der Prüfergebnisse/Laborberichte
  • Spektren Vergleich im Wareneingang & der Qualitätskontrolle
  • Bibliotheksuche & Erstellung eigener Bibliotheken
  • Univariate Quantifizierungsmodelle (Lambert-Beer)
  • Praktische Übungen mit Praxisbeispielen (ALPHA II)

Course Offer in English Language

Thursday, 22nd August 2024

Time resolved spectroscopy & modulation techniques

  • Step Scan (Reproducible kinetics, Trigger schemes, parameters, and data acquisition)
  • Rapid Scan (Time-resolved single event reactions, Method editor)
  • Modulation Techniques (Introduction to modulation techniques, Time scales for modulation and detection, Demodulation and data analysis)

Monday, 26th. August 2024

Basics in Quantitative analysis    

  • Introduction to the theory of multivariate calibration
  • Reference analytics 
  • Setup a Quant method in OPUS
  • Data pre-treatment, method optimization & validation
  • Display & plot of calibration results and choice of methods
  • Multi-Evaluation 
  • Practical QUANT examples

Tuesday, 27th August 2024

Identification with chemometric data analysis

  • Library structure
  • Validation
  • Identity Verification
  • Practical applications of the Ident software
  • Raw material testing
  • Demonstration of Ident examples

Thursday, 29nd August 2024

Data integrity and system validation for FT-IR- and Raman spectrometers

  • Data Integrity (Storing original data [Protected Data Pool, SQL-Database], User Management, Audit Trail
  • Software and Method Validation (Method validation, versioning, and audit trail, Workflows, Signatures)
  • Instrument Validation

Friday, 30th August 2024

Molecular Microscopy and Chemical Imaging

  • Practical aspects of Microscopy
  • Similarities and differences of IR and Raman microscopy
  • Sample preparation and measurement parameters for FT-IR (ATR, Reflectance, Transmittance) and Raman microscopy
  • Microscopic IR and Raman measurements with OPUS Video Wizard
  • Evaluation and display of micro-spectroscopic and chemical imaging data
  • Evaluation functions for spatially resolved measurements
  • Identification of components (library search, ClusterID)
  • Data Export and Reporting

General Hints


August, 22nd - 30th 2024
09:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr



  • OPUS license for installation on your own laptop/PC (limited to 6 months)
  • Support from application specialists
  • Work materials
  • Participant certificate
  • Lunch and coffee breaks


Bruker Optics GmbH
8117 Fällanden (H)

Please note:
After you register for our training courses, you will receive an offer. The registration is only completed once we have received an order from you for this offer.

More Information

Course Fee:

950 CHF per day and person

1700 CHF for 2 days (or 2 persons 1 day)

2300 CHF for 3 days (or 3 persons 1 day)

Students: 580 CHF per day and person (discounts for several days/persons on request)






(Deadline: July 17th 2024)

Number of participants:

  • Minimum 5 - Maximum 20



  • Full refund if you cancel up to 6 weeks in advance
  • 50% refund if you cancel up to 4 weeks in advance
  • No refunds from 4 weeks before the appointment