Thin film structure determination
Thin film structure determination
XRD Webinar

Thin film structure determination – How to improve GID measurements?

Mar 23, 2022 | 3pm SGT

Join us for an informative webinar

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the most important methods for material phase identification. For thin film specimens, due to large penetration distance (a few microns to tens microns) comparing to the thickness, we must change the diffraction geometry and use a shallow incident angle to limit the depth of XRD to optimize the signal from the film – this is the Grazing Incident Diffraction (GID).

As GID has a different geometry compared to the traditional Bragg-Brentano XRD, we need to take a different experimental setup to improve and optimize the GID data. In this 60-min talk, I will discuss the best setup for GID including system configuration and measurement procedure. In-Plane Grazing Incident Diffraction (IP-GID) will be introduced and I will also explain why this is the best setup for ultra-thin films (< 10nm).


Wayne Lin

Business Development Manager, Thin Film Applications, Bruker AXS