X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Webinar

Tips and Tricks for Making Your Own Secondary Standards for XRF

Bruker and FLUXANA join forces.

Although the standardless analysis methods on a modern XRF spectrometer can produce results with a very high degree of accuracy, this is not always the case. Certain assumptions have to be made about the sample to get the best results out of FP-based methods and, often, measurements are longer than they would otherwise be for a dedicated calibration. For a dedicated calibration, matrix-matched calibration standards are required, however. So what do you do when there are no (or only very few) CRMs available for the material you wish to analyse?

In this one-hour webinar experts from FLUXANA and Bruker AXS present some strategies for getting around this problem using wide oxide calibrations to create your own secondary standards, to then allow rapid screening and product quality control.


Colin Slater

Research & Development, Bruker AXS SE

Rainer Schramm