Targeted Metabolomics
Targeted Metabolomics

Targeted Metabolomics

Targeted metabolomics is the measurement of defined groups of chemically characterized and biochemically annotated metabolites.

Double your level of insight by performing biochemical pathway-driven targeted analysis

Semi-targeted data mining in MetaboScape® is typically followed by targeted validation studies. A lower number of candidate target compounds is analysed in a larger number of samples often aiming for absolute quantitation. Together with Bruker Compass TASQ® software, both targeted validation and untargeted metabolomics experiments are supported.

TASQ®(Target Analysis for Screening and Quantitation) software is specifically designed to exploit high resolution, accurate-mass data generated by Bruker QTOF mass spectrometers. TASQ® provides a turnkey solution to screen, confirm and/or quantify hundreds of compounds in a single analysis.

TASQ® supports automatic generation of target compound lists based on implemented local query functions based on the SMPDB: The Small Molecule Pathway Database (

  • Query target compound in SMPDB pathway database
  • Retrieve list of target compounds from one or multiple pathway maps
  • Targeted data mining for expected targets


For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.