Re-analysis Functions

A Real Strength of ESPRIT for EBSD

The software can store full patterns or band positions. This allows the use of re-analysis functions at an unprecedented speed without necessity of re-running a measurement; for example in case an unexpected phase was missed. Re-analysis may be re-indexing with manual phase selection or Advanced Phase ID for complete sample characterization.

Comprehensive phase databases

ESPRIT contains the Bruker Phase Database as well as the American Mineralogist Phase Database (AMCSD) to enable phase identification. The Inorganic Chemistry Structure Database (ICSD) or the Crystallography Open Database (COD) are both optionally available and can be included in ESPRIT as well.

Phases can be searched by simple and fast input of elemental data using a periodic table display, search is also possible by chemistry, crystal symmetry or phase name. The search can span several databases.


EBSD Phase Editor in ESPRIT
EBSD Phase Editor in ESPRIT

The phase editor

ESPRIT contains a powerful phase editor that provides the user with the means for creating and / or editing crystallographic phases. The phase editor interface can also be used to calculate pattern simulations using the dynamical theory of electron diffraction. It features:

  • Easy entry of crystallographic data (asymmetric unit)
  • Supports all crystal symmetries
  • Generation of atomic positions on the basis of crystallographic space groups
  • Support of Laue, point and space groups (recognizes more than 700 different space groups)
  • User-friendly selection of the 230 standard space groups (Herman-Mauguin)
  • 3D animation of crystal structure and unit cell: atoms can be faded in/out for better visualization of substructures
  • Fast pattern simulation based on dynamical theory of diffraction (option)
  • Intensity calculation of reflectors based on kinematic theory
  • Real time animation of kinematic intensities as bands in 256 grey levels as gnomonic, stereographic and spherical projections
  • Excitation voltage (wave length) for EBSP simulation can be set arbitrarily
  • User defined colors for each reflector family
  • Simultaneous rotation of structure and simulation including zoom
  • Full screen mode support
  • Import of Crystal Information File (CIF), *.cel-files (PowderCell) or *.cry-files (Twist (CHANNEL5™))


Fast Re-indexing with up to 40,000 points/s

The EBSD software is capable of re-indexing datasets in incredibly short time. Single phase materials can be re-indexed with around 40,000 points/s. The advantage of re-indexing is that measurements can be re-analyzed when not all phases have been selected or known initially.


Orientation map of a deformed ferritic steel, original map size 1600x1200 (1,920,000) patterns, pixel size: 0.610 µm, re-indexed in 36 s, 54,000 points/s, 1.6 % zero solutions
Orientation map of a deformed ferritic steel, original map size 1600x1200 (1,920,000) patterns, pixel size: 0.610 µm, re-indexed in 36 s, 54,000 points/s, 1.6 % zero solutions
Volcanic rock containing fayalite and wuestite phases, indexed with manual phase selection
Volcanic rock containing fayalite and wuestite phases, indexed with manual phase selection

Advanced Phase ID

The Advanced Phase ID feature builds on the continuous development work at Bruker for integrating the EBSD and EDS techniques. Combining ESPRIT for EBSD’s ultrafast indexing algorithm with a robust and rapid phase search engine as well as interactive band detection, the Advanced Phase ID feature determines the best phase file fitting the crystallographic phase under investigation.


The Advanced Phase ID feature can be used online (at the SEM) as well as offline on a separate computer. ESPRIT for EBSD’s unique data handling, Advanced Phase ID feature and ultrafast offline re-indexing allow launching a measurement with no need for identifying all present phases in a multi-phase material. Missing phases can be identified offline and used for subsequent re-indexing of the EBSD data thus significantly improving the user and SEM efficiency.

Volcanic rock, indexed using AdvancedPhase ID. A much better fitting phase file for fayalite was found
Volcanic rock, indexed using AdvancedPhase ID. A much better fitting phase file for fayalite was found