ESPRIT Spectrum

Multiple spectra display
Multiple spectra display

ESPRIT Spectrum is the basic software package of all QUANTAX systems that allows spectra acquisition from all available sources (EDS, WDS and Micro-XRF for SEM) and qualitative analysis. It comes with numerous options for fast and efficient spectrometry.

  • Spectra acquisition from all installed sources (EDS, WDS, Micro-XRF for SEM) with accurate, hardware-supported real time, live time, or event counter pre-selection
  • Automatic spectra correction for all known detector artifacts (escape, shelf, tail, shift, pile-up, etc.)
  • Multiple spectra display with selectable foreground and background spectra
  • Spectrum preview and live spectrum display with down to 100 ms refresh time to support real-time spectrometry
  • Fast access spectra buffers for acquired data, batch processing and reference spectra
  • Scaling and display options including line markers, logarithmic scaling, cps-scaling, and auto-adjustment
  • Interactive element identification tools (Finder, X-ray line browser) based on the world's most comprehensive atomic data library, alternatively automatic identification
  • Event counter for any number of selected ROIs and support of up to 8 hardware single-channel analyzers
  • Measurement parameter manager and spectrum header editor
  • Import and export of various common data formats, graphics export via clip board or image files
  • Full system control including hardware profile editor, service functions, and fast auto calibration
  • Spectrum mathematics (addition, subtraction, linear combinations)