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On-Demand Session: Nano-organization of Spontaneous Gabaergic Transmission Directs Its Autonomous Function in Neuronal Signaling

Investigate how super-resolution technology can be used to study the spatial and functional organization of neurotransmission at inhibitory synapses.
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Nano-organization of Spontaneous Gabaergic Transmission Directs Its Autonomous Function in Neuronal Signaling

Presented by Natalie J. Guzikowski, Ph.D., Neuroscience Graduate Program, Vanderbilt University and Ege T. Kavalali, Ph.D., Professor & Chair, Department of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt School of Medicine (January 25, 2023)


  • [00:00 - 02:57] Introduction and Background
  • [02:58 - 11:54] Three Forms of Neurotransmission
  • [11:55 - 21:03] Supporting the Segregation of Neurotransmission at the Inhibitory Synapse
  • [21:04 - 29:03] Disrupting the GABAergic Substructure
  • [29:04 - 32:06] Functional Impact of the Manipulation
  • [32:08 - 33:15] Main Conclusions
  • [33:16 - 50:28] Q&A