Coupling chromatography to mass spec

Compass® HyStar

A client/server-based package that combines Bruker acquisition, processing and report generation software in various dedicated workflows

Seamless coupling

Complete solution

Coupling chromatography to mass spec

State of the art software platform

Quantitation, identification and screening
Quantitation tasks are supported as well as identification and screening tasks. The HyStar software environment is the basis to run Bruker´s complete solutions, such as Toxtyper® and BioPharma Compass®.
Configure and control
Control hyphenated hardware experiments. Combining analytical chromatographic separation techniques (GC and LC) with mass spectrometric systems.
Coupling flexibility
A wide range of analytical systems, such as Ion Trap (ITMS), QTOF-high resolution MS and TQ-MS including all ionization methods, are compatible, as well as chromatography systems from leading vendors.
Compass® Hystar

Coupling Chromatography to Mass Spectrometry

Compass® HyStar is the state-of-the-art software solution for configuring and controlling hardware that performs hyphenated experiments, combining analytical chromatographic separation techniques (GC and LC) with mass spectrometric techniques. A wide range of systems such as Ion Trap (ITMS), QTOF-high resolution MS and TQ-MS including all ionization methods are covered. 

HyStar is a client/server-based software package, which combines Bruker acquisition, such as otofControl or trapControl, with dedicated Bruker processing and report generation software in various different analytical workflows. Quantitation tasks are supported as well as identification and screening tasks. The HyStar software enviroment is the basis to run Bruker´s complete solutions such as Toxtyper® or BioPharma Compass®.

Compass® Hystar

Supported Hardware

  • ESI-Triple Quad-MS (LC and GC)
  • FTMS
  • Elute LC series
  • Chromatography Systems form Agilent, Shimadzu, Thermo, and other vendors

Compass® HyStar related products and software