S2 PUMA Series 2 Applications

Food, Feed & Agriculture

Food, Feed & Agriculture - S2 PUMA Series 2 Applications
Food, Feed & Agriculture

Growing crops and produce in many areas depends on fertilizers and detailed knowledge about the soil in the ground. Production and quality control of fertilizers and the mapping of arable soils are two important applications where elemental analysis is indispensable.

Food and animal fodder products require stringent quality control measures. They are applied from production to delivery and regulated by different authorities. Testing food for its nutritional content, monitoring products for process line contamination, and analyzing feed for quality control are just some of the many applications encountered in the food & feed industry.

EDXRF is a proven elemental analysis technique that is applied widely in the industry to make sure norms are followed and consumers are kept safe.

The S2 PUMA Series 2 is designed to deliver precise and accurate elemental concentrations for industrial applications, where reliability and usability of the instrument are important. It can handle all sample types – liquid, power, granulate, pressed pellet, and bulk.

High sample throughput on a small benchtop EDXRF instrument was never as easy as with the S2 PUMA Series 2 XY Autochanger: With its 20-position EasyLoad™ tray it can fully autonomously handle large sample batches. Short measurements times of a few minutes – even for light element such as Na and Mg – are ensured by HighSense™ detector technology.

The dedicated SampleCare™ mechanism protects vital instrument components from contamination by solid particles and liquid spills, for high instrument up-time and low running cost. The integrated touchscreen with intuitive TouchControl™ software enables users with only minimal training to run routine measurements.