Functional Phosphoproteomics Finds Resolutions with Ion Mobility

March 14, 2023

Webinar Overview

Phosphoproteomics is a powerful tool for studying the role of phosphorylation in regulating biological systems, including cancer. In this webinar, Florian Meier, Ph.D., Junior Professor at Jena University Hospital in Germany, will present a new experimental approach that combines streamlined sample processing, dia-PASEF®, and trapped ion mobility (TIMS) mass spectrometry to analyze the phosphoproteome of cancer cell lines.

This approach has several advantages over traditional methods, including:

  • It can reduce the number of co-isolated peptides by five-fold, resulting in a more efficient and effective analysis of the phosphoproteome
  • It can provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms of cancer

This webinar is intended for researchers interested in phosphoproteomics, cancer biology, and mass spectrometry.

Key takeaways:

By the end of this webinar, you will:

  • Understand the new experimental approach to phosphoproteomics
  • Appreciate the advantages of this approach over traditional methods
  • Gain new insights into the molecular mechanisms of cancer

Register for the webinar today to learn more about this exciting new technology.

Florian Meier, Ph.D., Junior Professor, Jena University Hospital, Germany

Florian Meier-Rosar, Ph.D., is a Junior Professor at Research Group Functional Proteomics in Jena University Hospital in Germany. His research interests include phosphoproteomics, cancer biology, and mass spectrometry. He is a leading expert in the development of new methods for phosphoproteomics, and his work has been published in top scientific journals.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.