Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SC-XRD) Webinar

Increased Productivity with Automated Crystal Handling

SCOUT – a fast, reliable and safe sample changer.

In protein crystallography many steps in the structure determination process from expression to the final structural model have been automated. The in-house X-ray screening process of crystals, however, has remained a tedious, time consuming step. Automation of this step is now easier than ever before.

In this 45-minute webinar we focus on the automation of the screening process of cryo-frozen protein samples and the determination of their diffraction quality with the new SCOUT sample changing system.

The webinar demonstrates how protein samples can be handled more efficiently with minimized sample damage during mounting and retrieval. Make your synchrotron trips more successful and ensure more successful use of beam time.



Dr. Michael Mrosek

Application Scientist SC-XRD Bruker AXS SE Karlsruhe, Germany

Dr. Martin Adam

SC-XRD Product Manager, Bruker AXS