Arxspan/電子実験ノート オンライン ユーザーグループミーティング
Time | 講演時間 | 講演 | 講演者 |
3:00-3:05 | 05分 | はじめのご挨拶 | Hideyuki Kurihara |
3:05-3:15 | 15分 | Greeting to Japanese Customers | Peter Rosati |
3:15-3:45 | 30分 | Direction of Arxspan | Peter Gravil |
3:45-4:15 | 30分 | Getting data into the ELN the easy way… | Dr. Guy Brenchley, CatSci |
4:15-4:30 | 15分 | 今後の新機能についてご紹介 | Masaki Takita |
4:30-5:00 | 30分 | Q&A |
バイオスピン事業部 Arxspan事業部
Peter Gravil
Head of Sales and Service
Arxspan – A division of Bruker
A Ph.D. qualified scientist turned sales professional with over twenty years of experience in research informatics. Currently the Head of Sales and Service at Bruker Arxspan.
Dr. Guy Brenchley
Principal Scientist, CatSci LtdGuy is a Technical Project Lead at CatSci, managing a team of scientists, steering delivery and innovation on customer projects whilst also acting as a consulting scientific resource for other project teams. He has a strong interest in the electronic notebook area, having played a leading role in designing, developing, and rolling out an ELN solution at a previous employer.