Glycans, complex carbohydrate molecules, play a critical role in a wide range of biological processes. Understanding their function requires precise analysis of their complex compositions and structures. Mass spectrometry (MS) is increasingly becoming the mainstay technology used to unravel the secrets of glycobiology, enabling researchers to:
Focus on Glycoproteomics: Beyond Proteins, Exploring the Glycan World
More than half of all proteins are glycosylated, many of them at multiple sites. Profiling of these glycosylation-related protein isoforms involves techniques to separate, identify, and quantify individual isoforms of glycoproteins and glycopeptides that are present in a biological specimen. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful tool for this purpose. Bruker's solutions, specifically the enablement of high-throughput processing empowered by the glyco-PASEF technology on timsTOF mass spectrometers, offer a cutting-edge approach for glycoprotein and glycan profiling.
Bruker's glyco-PASEF technology, which utilizes the power of time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometers equipped with Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS), offers a revolutionary approach to bottom-up glycoproteomics/peptidomics. This section dives deeper into the specific advantages of this innovative solution for researchers in glycobiology.
TIMS separates ions based on their size and shape (collision cross section, CCS) in addition to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). This separation significantly improves:
Leveraging TIMS' separation capabilities, glyco-PASEF enables the precise targeting of glycopeptides within a sample. This is achieved through:
Glycopeptides can harbor glycans composed of the same monosaccharide building blocks, but with different structural characteristics.
Here, glyco-PASEF and TIMS excel. Mobility-Offset Mass-Aligned (MOMA), based on CCS, leverages the combined power of mass, charge, and mobility data to differentiate between isobaric (same m/z) glycopeptides.
Bruker's GlycoScape™ software streamlines your workflow by providing real-time glycoprotein identification readouts directly from your timsTOF data. This allows researchers to:
Bruker’s timsTOF-generated data are agnostic of and have been tested with a number of open source and commercial analytical software products.
"I am pleased to see the pioneering work our laboratory carried out, leveraging the unique strengths of the timsTOF platform for glycoproteomics, to now be translated as glyco-PASEF® into a widely applicable tool enabling and accelerating research in the field of glycobiology."
Albert Heck, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University and Scientific Director, Netherlands Proteomics Center, Utrecht, Netherlands
For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.