Rápido y rentable
Análisis directo y versátil
El S4 T-STAR® es una herramienta versátil para el análisis de una amplia gama de tipos de muestras, incluyendo suspensiones, polvos, nanopartículas o películas. Esto lo coloca por delante del ICP, que requiere muestras líquidas completamente disueltas.
The GIXRF Option for the S4 T-STAR allows users to undertake advanced materials characterization via GIXRF (Grazing Incidence X-Ray Fluoresence). GIXRF is particulary suited for the analysis of nanoparticles, monolayers and systems with stratified layers. Find out more by downloading the flyer.
Procedimiento automático de control de calidad
Estación de muestra Easyload™ |
Alto número de muestras |
Solución de almacenamiento bien diseñada |
Conveniente control y archivado de muestras
When detecting samples at ultra-low ppb limits contamination avoidance is of the highest priority – when working with a pure sample the key to this is excellent sample preparation.
Bruker provides a range of accessories alongside their S4 T-STAR and S2 PICOFOX systems.
These include a T-BOX to help achieve contamination-free and accurate sample pipetting and the T-DRY for the vacuum desiccation of samples; with both being designed to help users avoid making any contact with the sample carrier.
Following the collection of measurements, the sample disks can be efficiently and effectively cleaned for later use using Bruker’s chemically resistant washing cassette before clean storage in the T-BOX.
Find out more by dowloading our TXRF Accessories Brochure and watching our video on sample preparation during TXRF.