Mantenance Service Agreements

Bruker AFM Contract Eligible Probes

Receive AFM Probes Discounts with Support Program Enrollment


Bruker offers comprehensive support to maintain your atomic force microscope at peak performance and maximum productivity. One element to optimizing the capabilities of your system is the selection of the best probe for your application. Bruker is the only major AFM equipment manufacturer that also owns and operates a probes nanofabrication facility. Our extensive line of AFM probes include the highest quality silicon, silicon nitride, and proprietary PeakForce Tapping® probes to meet the needs of most AFM users. Your support program entitles you to a discount on many of these probes.


  • Over 70 discounted probe models, including 10-packs for select silicon, silicon nitride, FastScan®, PeakForce Tapping®, and specialty probes
  • Premium Care program qualifies you for a 20% discount
  • Standard Care program qualifies you for a 15% discount