Contamination analysis and control of battery anode and cathode materials and other component surfaces and interfaces are essential in order to understand and improve battery cell properties. High-sensitivity energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) detectors can be used in addition to conventional bulk trace element analysis methods (XRF). EDS detectors do not only detect the presence of a certain contaminant in a bulk sample, but via EDS mapping they can also reveal their distribution. This additional information about the location of different contaminants can help to determine their origin.
The EDS analysis of samples with a micron-sized grain structure without preceding sample preparation is always challenging. The elemental maps are affected by shadowing when they are analyzed with EDS detectors of conventional geometry. Annular EDS detectors such as the Bruker XFlash® FlatQUAD deliver shadow-free elemental maps thanks to the significantly higher take off angle. Furthermore, due to the higher detectable signal rate (input count rate), the Bruker XFlash® FlatQUAD detector features a fundamentally higher sensitivity, which enables the identification and localization of very low-quantity contaminants in a short amount of time.
This webnote demonstrates one example for the identification and localization of a certain element species (vanadium) of contamination found in a pristine cathode sample. The cathode material FeLiPO4 (deposited on aluminum foil) was investigated in top view (no sample preparation). Elemental maps were acquired using Bruker XFlash® FlatQUAD annular detector and the contaminants were identified using the Maximum Pixel Spectrum function.