
3D XRM image of an electronic chip
3D XRM image of an electronic chip

The X4 POSEIDON for the Material Sciences

Applications of the X4 POSEIDON in Materials Science

The X4 POSEIDON is a powerful benchtop system that delivers the benefits of 3D X-Ray Microscopy (3D XRM) to any materials science lab.


Find out more about the applications of the X4 POSEIDON in materials science here. 

Geology: In-Depth 3D Analysis of A Core Plug

The X4 POSEIDON can be used to pecisely characterize porosity, grain size, fractures, anomolies, and more, in geological samples. In addition, the study of dynamic processes is also possible. 

In this application note we demonstrate the capabilities of XRM for the geosciences using a standstone mini core plug as an example. Find out how the X4 POSEIDON facilitates a fast and thorough geological analysis by reading more. 

3D XRM image of a sandstone mini core with partial cross section with internal pore size distribution analysis. Pores are color coded based on their size. 

Additive Manufacturing: Microstructural Evaluation of 3D Printed Aerospace Components

Aerospace applications require materials and components with exceptional physical properties such as a high strength and resistance to deformation but also a low weight and, most importantly, a very high reliability. Often these exceptional components are produced using 3D printing, a technique that facilitates fine-tuning. 

The X4 POSEIDON is ideal for inspecting the quality and structural integrity of 3D printed materials. Discover more in this application note where we examined a 3D-printed titanium ball that is used in space applications. 

Thickness analysis of a 3D-printed ball structure.

Pharmaceutical: Inspection of a Hard Shelled Capsule with Micro Granules

X-ray microscopy is frequently used in the pharma industry in both the quality control and the research and development phases. Using the X4 POSEIDON the internal inspection of hard-shelled capsule pharmaceuticals can be peformed down to such a level of detail that the imaging of individual granules and the visualization of pores within the granules themselves is possible. 

In this application note we exemplify this and more through the inspection of a hard capsule filled with micro granules. 

3D analysis of pores inside the micro granules

Energy Storage: 3D Imaging of A Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layer

Proton Exhange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) are a promising type of fuel cell. These fuel cells consist of several stacked layers stacked upon one another.  

In this application note we demonstrate how XRM with the X4 POSEIDON is ideal for the imaging of complex stacked systems such as a PEMFC, including the imaging of individual bundles of carbon wire. 

Outer and inner layer of a fuel cell.

Quality Control: Detailed 3D Imaging of a Smartphone Camera Lens

The X4 POSEIDON can be optimized for high-speed scanning with a large field-of-view, this makes it the ideal system for imaging a stack of camera lenses in a high throughput production environment.

In this application note we present the quality control analysis of a smartphone camera lens, which was completed in an imaging time of just two minutes. 

Volume rendring image of the stacked lenses within a camera lens taken over a short scan time.

Composite Materials: Investigating the Internal Structure of a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP)

CFRPs are lightweight materials with high ridigity and tensile strengths thanks to their complex internal strcuture. 

In this application note the X4 POSEIDON was used to non-destructively image the internal structure of a CFRP, aiding with the research and development of these highly interesting materials. 

3D XRM image of a CFRP color-coded according to thickness (?). The individual fibres and their orientation can be clearly seen. 

Electronics: 3D Visualization of an Electronic Chip

X-ray microscopy using the X4 POSEIDON faciliates the non-destructive 3D imaging of highly-complex electronic components, whether it is for R&D, quality control, failure analysis or more.

In this application note we demonstrate this with the 3D visualization of an electronic chip including internal imaging and a structure thickness analysis.  

Thickness analysis of the internal components of an electronic chip. 

Food Science: Evaluating the Aeration of Baked Consumer Goods

The X4 POSEIDON can be used to analyze the internal structure of food products such as baked goods to measure factors like the degree of aeration, ingredient distribution and more. 

In this application note we look at the aeration of a chocolate "pepernoot" cookie where a volume rendering, color coded according to pore size, was captured. 

3D rendering with 3D analysis of the air pores size distribution from a pepernoot cookie.

In-Depth 3D Imaging for Any Materials Science Lab

The X4 POSEIDON is a powerful benchtop system that can deliver the benefits of 3D X-Ray Microscopy (3D XRM) to any materials science lab. 

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