Collect, process and report instrument data directly into the Integrated Analytical Module for Arxspan ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook)
Attend this webinar to learn about the industry’s first module for ELN (Electronic Laboratory Notebook) designed specifically for use with analytical instruments such as NMR and mass spec. You will hear how CatSci, a global innovation partner for process research and development, uses the module to automate data processes and tie R&D activities to Quality Control.
Get Back the 90 Mins of Every Scientists’ Day Spent Looking for Data From Instruments
The new module is an integrated, highly scalable solution that automates the collection of instrument data. The user-friendly, cloud-based module enables scientists to automatically capture, categorize, centralize and share data and results.
Automated Data Analysis: Instrumentation Integration
The module can be used with any lab instrument but is particularly suited to instruments that generate significant amounts of data. For example, NMR and Mass Spectrometers’ spectral analysis and QC data. Arxspan’s Analytical module is a highly scalable cloud-based solution that enables lab managers and scientists to automate the capture, processing, and reporting of analytical data. The centralizing of data creates a reference database of analytical results from NMR, Mass Spec, and other techniques.
THURSDAY, November 05, 2020
07:00PM AEST | 09:00AM CET
Jeff Carter
Co-founder and COO Arxspan – A Bruker Company
Jeff Carter is a co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Arxspan, which offers a cloud-based electronic laboratory notebook platform for managing and sharing scientific information. As COO of the company, Jeff oversees commercial and operational functions, including business development, account management, product management, and engineering. He has nearly 20 years of management experience in scientific informatics and cloud computing industries, including 23 years of software development experience.
Dr. Guy Brenchley
Principal Scientist, CatSci LtdGuy is a Technical Project Lead at CatSci, managing a team of scientists, steering delivery and innovation on customer projects whilst also acting as a consulting scientific resource for other project teams. He has a strong interest in the electronic notebook area, having played a leading role in designing, developing, and rolling out an ELN solution at a previous employer.