Conferences & Tradeshows

Joint ENC - ISMAR Conference 2025

April 5-10, 2025, Asilomar, CA

Bruker at the joint ENC - ISMAR Conference

Bruker is making waves of innovation in Magnetic Resonance and is excited to share these groundbreaking advancements with the NMR and EPR community at the beautiful Asilomar, where we will meet for the ENC-ISMAR conference 2025. This year, the community will gather to explore groundbreaking advancements and pioneering research.
We have planned a variety of events that will interest both new and returning attendees. Please bookmark this page and check back often for updates as the event approaches. We look forward to seeing you and embracing this wave of innovation together!

Saturday, April 5, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Saturday Afternoon Workshops
Location: The Chapel

This year, we will host our traditional Saturday afternoon workshops directly on the Asilomar Grounds. Meet us in the Chapel!

Sunday, April 6, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday Symposium
Location: The Chapel

We look forward to welcoming you to ENC-ISMAR with our Sunday Symposium.


Saturday Workshops

Saturday, April 5, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM, The Chapel

We are excited to announce that our popular Saturday workshops will once again be part of the
Bruker ENC-ISMAR event. These workshops cover a wide range of topics related to NMR and EPR, as well as some valuable tips and tricks. We can assure you that this year's workshops will be as informative and engaging as ever. Be sure to check back frequently for updates as we get closer to the event, and don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from some of the top experts in the field.


Sunday Symposium

Sunday, April 6, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, The Chapel

Our Sunday Symposium is set to be a real highlight of the event, featuring a diverse set of talks that cover a wide spectrum of topics in the field of MR. From the latest news on spectrometers to probes, software and applications like functional structural biology, our speakers will provide invaluable insights into some of the most important developments in the industry. And to help start your day off right, we are delighted to offer a complimentary breakfast for all attendees. We highly recommend checking back frequently for updates on the Sunday Symposium agenda.



Time Workshop Speaker
01:00 Benchtop EPR Spectroscopy: From Spin Counting to Multi-Harmonic Detection
Kalina Ranguelova
01:30 BioTop and NMRtist for Acquisition and Analysis of Dynamics Data Daniel Mathieu
02:00 Q&A & Break  
02:15 Creating New Profiles and Configuration Sets - How to Master the MAS3 Settings Sebastian Wegner, Jochem Struppe, James Kempf
03:00 Fast and Easy Dissolution DNP
Pinelopi Moutzouri
03:30 Proving the Power of Benchtop NMR: Advanced Pulse Sequences with the Fourier 80 Maria-Jose Ferrer
04:00 Q&A & Break  
04:15 Tips & Tricks: Small Molecules and Broadband Homonuclear Decoupling Pinelopi Moutzouri
05:00 Tips & Tricks for Daily NMR Work Amy Freund
05:30 Ending Remarks Rainer Kuemmerle
Pre-ENC-ISMAR Bruker Symposium, April 6, THE CHAPEL


Time Talk Speaker
08:00 Welcome Coffee & Pastries  
08:30 Welcome and News from Bruker Frank Laukien & Falko Busse
09:10 Magnet Innovations and Liquid State NMR: Breaking New Ground Rainer Kuemmerle
09:30 New Developments and Applications in Solid-State NMR and DNP Sebastian Wegner
09:50 13C Detection at 1.1 GHz to Improve Complex Carbohydrate Discovery and Analysis Professor Art Edison, University of Georgia
10:15 Break  
10:35 News and Updates from EPR Thorsten Maly
10:50 Bruker BioSpin Services: What's New in Innovations and Upates? Pavel Kostikin
11:00 Fourier 80: Enabling Advanced Research Possibilities with New Features Agnes Haber
11:15 Dissolution DNP: Breakthrough Applications at Breakneck Speeds
James Kempf
11:30 Software Update Amy Freund, Jakob Lopez-Zeller
11:45 NMRtist: New Functionalities and How to Get Started
Daniel Mathieu
12:00 Q&A Alan Hume

Bruker Night

Monday, April 7, 7:00 PM

Our traditional Bruker night will be Monday night starting at 7:00 PM. We will have food, drinks, and fun activities.

Our president and CEO, Frank Laukien, will give a special presentation at 8:30 PM followed by our famous raffle.

You don't want to miss it!

Topics will include news from Bruker, industry trends, late breaking NMR technologies and advancements, and more! An agenda for these events will be available shortly. Please check back soon to register for your spot.


About the conference


For more information about the joint ENC-ISMAR conference, please visit the official conference homepage.

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Thank you for registering for Bruker at ENC & ISMAR 2025

We appreciate your interest in this event and our offering.

We look forward to seeing you there. Stay tuned for further information.
Your Bruker Team