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Measuring Nanoscale Viscoelastic Properties with AFM-Based Nanoscale DMA

Learn how AFM-nDMA outperforms other techniques to enable high-resolution investigation of the microstructure & bulk properties of heterogeneous polymers
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Scientists and engineers working with heterogeneous materials — like polymer composites, blends, and multilayers — often must repeatedly navigate multiple barriers to obtaining accurate results with sufficient spatial resolution. AFM-nDMA effectively avoids the problems that have historically limited the efficacy of conventional AFM-, DMA-, and indenter-based bulk viscoelastic property measurement for these materials.

Submit the form to gain instant, full-length access to this introduction and guide to AFM-nDMA, which includes discussion of and practical guidance for:

  • Conducting AFM-nDMA measurements, including how to select and calibrate ideal frequency and probe configurations for different sample types under a variety of common experiential conditions; and
  • How to generate and interpret master curves to explore the viscoelastic properties of highly localized spatial domains over a wide range of frequencies and temperatures, using example data drawn from real-world applications.
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