ISO 4484-2:2023

Bruker offers the complete instrumentation portfolio mentioned in ISO 4484-2:2023. This neutrality in technology is your advantage. We are able to offer unbiased support in the selection of your analytical equipment to comply to the new ISO guideline, be it infrared or Raman spectroscopy.

Microplastics from Textile Sources

The ISO 4484-2:2023 describes in detail how microplastics from textile sources, e.g. fibers, are to be sampled from different matrices, how the samples should be pre-treated before analysis, how the analysis should be carried out and how the received data should be evaluated. It describes in detail how to set up analytical methods and how to prepare standard samples for method evaluation.

The methods mentioned in ISO 4484-2:2023 are Raman, IR and visual microscopy. 

Furthermore, the ISO lists what filters are to be used in combination with each analytical technique. Fiber shape, size and color shall be listed. The report required in ISO 4484-2:2023 shall list the particle size according to ISO/TR 21960.

Several examples of the sample preparation procedure as well as the presentation of results are given in ISO 4484-2:2023. Brukers performant spectrometers combined with its unique fiber characterization software tool  will allow you to follow the ISO 4484-2:2023 with ease.