
EU Directive 2020/2184

Bruker offers the complete instrumentation portfolio mentioned in Eu Directive 2020/2184. This neutrality in technology is your advantage. We are able to offer unbiased support in the selection of your analytical equipment to comply to the new ISO guideline, be it infrared or Raman spectroscopy.

Supplement on methodology to measure microplastics in water intended for human consumption

The EU Directive 2020/2184 is a step towards a harmonized regulation of microplastic monitoring in drinking water in the EU. It aims to establish a methodology to characterize concentration, composition, size and shape of microplastic particles in water for human consumption.

The Eu Directive 2020/2184 details all relevant terminologies and definitions for the microplastic analysis and establishes a harmonized methodology to isolate and characterize microplastic particles.The relevant size range, analytical techniques and, for the first time, a discrete list of polymer and non-polymer particles that are to be monitored is established. 

Bruker is the perfect partner to establish a working analysis routine to comply with EU directive 2020/2184.

Our complete instrument portfolio for FT-IR, Raman and IR Laser Imaging (QCL) microscopy acquires brilliant spetra which are analyzed by pur all-in-one spectroscopic power-house OPUS that also provides comprehensive particle statistics and reporting capabilities.