On-Demand Session | Full Two-Day Program

North American AFM User Meeting [2021]

Explore the latest developments in AFM-based nanomechanical and nanoelectrical property characterization
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Featured Presentations

On-Demand Session | 20 Minutes

Mapping Nanomechanical Properties: How to Best Benefit from the Latest Innovations in PeakForce QNM

Bede Pittenger, Ph.D.
Senior Staff Development Scientist, Bruker

Learn about the latest improvements to PeakForce QNM and how they improve the breadth of nanomechanical information available and the accuracy of the resulting property maps, as well as when and why it is of interest to examine the associated PeakForce Capture DataCubes.
On-Demand Session | 25 Minutes

Multidimensional Imaging of Physical Properties of Materials Using Novel Ringing Mode

Igor Sokolov, Ph.D.
Tufts University

In this talk, our guest presenter describes the unique imaging capabilities of novel Ringing mode — including its various imaging channels — and provides several examples of Ringing mode applications, feat. imaging of polymers, fixed biological cells, and molecular coatings on nanoparticles.
On-Demand Session | 25 Minutes

Using Machine Learning to Classify and Correlate AFM Phase Images

Dalia Yablon, Ph.D.,
Founder, SurfaceChar LLC

Hear about the latest research on building and using machine learning models to characterize the microstructure and bulk mechanical properties of impact copolymer samples.
On-Demand Session | 25 Minutes

Accessing the Viscoelasticity of Polymers at Multiple Scales: Bulk vs. AFM-nDMA

Marius Chyasnavichyus, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist, Dow Inc

Gain a deeper understanding of the advantages of using AFM-nDMA for nanoscale viscoelastic property characterization and how it transcends the limitations of traditional bulk DMA.
On-Demand Session | 20 Minutes

Review of Recent Advances in Electrical Characterization using Atomic Force Microscopy

Peter De Wolf, Ph.D.,
Application Director, Bruker

Explore the latest advances in AFM mode technology that are expanding the possibilities of imaging/spectroscopy, as well as their most innovative and impactful implementations.
On-Demand Session | 25 Minutes

Advances in Understanding Electrochemical Degradation: The Power of Co-Localized KPFM

Paul H. Davis, Ph.D., Surface Science Lab Manager
Corey M. Efaw, Materials Sci.& Engineering Ph.D. student
Olivia O. Maryon, Materials Sci.& Engineering Ph.D. student
Boise State University

Learn about the advantages of using KPFM co-located with other characterization methods, with examples of recent co-localized KPFM applications and the valuable insights gained from them.
On-Demand Session | 25 Minutes

Understanding the Mechanism of (Photo)Electrochemical Transformations in Functional Architectures for Artificial Photosynthesis

Francesca Maria Toma, Ph.D.
CSD Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In this presentation, our guest presenter speaks about her latest research on combining photoelectrochemical measurements with AFM-based techniques to better understand different material systems under operating conditions.
On-Demand Session | 25 Minutes

Quantifying Nanoscale Electromechanical Properties using Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

Liam Collins, Ph.D.,
Research & Development, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Discover the best practices for accurate material property quantification with PFM exemplified, including identifying/avoiding background signals and electrostatic crosstalk.

Featured Product Demonstrations

On-Demand Session | 20 Minutes

Live Demonstration feat. Ringing Mode

Senli Guo, Ph.D.
Application Scientist, Bruker

Expand on the unique strengths of PeakForce QNM to provide enhanced adhesion property information that is complementary to existing mechanical and structural data.
On-Demand Session | 20 Minutes

Live Demonstration feat. nDMA

John Thornton
Sr. Application Scientist, Bruker

See how the first and only AFM-based viscoelastic technique that ties directly to bulk DMA works.
On-Demand Session | 20 Minutes

Live Demonstration feat. PeakForce Tapping

Ivan Yermolenko, Ph.D.
Application Scientist, Bruker

Explore the latest PeakForce Tapping techniques and how High Accuracy QNM leverages bespoke probes and a barcode reader to improve accuracy and take the hassle out of calibration.
On-Demand Session | 20 Minutes

Live Demonstration feat. ssPFM

Senli Guo, Ph.D.
Application Scientist, Bruker

See a sneak peek at the new switching spectroscopy PFM, which allows to remove contact potential difference effects and quantify ferroelectric sample properties.
On-Demand Session | 20 Minutes

Live Demonstration feat. DataCube PFTUNA

Ivan Yermolenko, Ph.D.
Application Scientist, Bruker

Learn how the most popular electrical option is now even more useful when combined with DataCube mode, including how to characterize conductive samples in intermittent contact to preserve tip and sample.
On-Demand Session | 20 Minutes

Live Demonstration feat. KPFM

John Thornton
Sr. Application Scientist, Bruker

Overview of the many ways Bruker AFMs can perform surface potential measurements: AM/FM, tapping/ PFT, Lift Mode, or Single Pass.