Often underestimated, infrared spectroscopy offers unique advantages in protein structure determination and quality control. It is fast, effective and universal.
As soon as protein analysis goes beyond simple concentration determinations, many users first think of circular dichroism spectroscopy.
In general, CD spectroscopy allows structural investigations based on the absorption of circularly polarized light and does, in fact, provide a great deal of information.
Here's the best part: Infrared spectroscopy can do all of this and even adds some amazing qualities. FT-IR is particularly sensitive to determination of beta-sheet structures, including differentiation of intra- and inter-molecular types.
IR can be used universally for virtually any protein sample type and is completely independent from the formulation or buffer system. An extremely broad spectrum of protein concentrations can be analyzed directly from only 0.1 mg/ml to >>100 mg/ml - without diluting or concentrating the sample.
Unlike conventional methods such as UV spectroscopy or biochemical assays (e.g. Bradford), there is no need to calibrate each protein individually.
Bruker’s FT-IR platform INVENIO is the foundation for our solution to protein analysis: the CONFOCHECK System.
Learn more about the advantages of infrared spectroscopy in protein analysis. Bruker’s CONFOCHECK system offers: