
Bruker Scientific Mass Spectrometry Training Courses

About Our Training Courses

Thank you for your interest in our Mass Spectrometry Training Courses. We provide these courses at our Billerica, MA and San Jose, CA locations. The operator courses are intended to encompass a comprehensive overview of the mass spectrometer theory, hardware configuration, software operation, and sample preparation techniques used to obtain quality mass spectra.

The class size will be limited to ensure manageable training; therefore early enrollment is encouraged. Lunch each day and all training materials will be included.

Your reservation is made only after receipt of a confirmation email from Bruker Daltonics.


Training locations

Bruker Scientific LLC
40 Manning Road, Manning Park
Billerica, MA 01821
Phone: +1 978 663 3660  

Hotel & Transport

Bruker Scientific LLC
101 Daggett Drive,
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: 978-663-3660 ext. 4355

Hotel & Transport

Training Course Dates

Course Date Location Status
MALDI Training Course September 8 - 10, 2025 Billerica facility open
MALDI Training Course November 3 - 5, 2024 Billerica facility open

For pricing and further information, please contact: