Nanomechanical Testing

Modulus Mapping

Quantitative, high-resolution surface modulus characterization

High-Resolution Mechanical Property Imaging

Modulus Mapping - Complex Modulus
Modulus map of a multi-layered ceramic/metallic composite.

Bruker’s Modulus Mapping combines the powerful capabilities of Hysitron’s nanoscale dynamic analysis (nanoDMA III) with in-situ scanning probe microscopy (SPM) imaging to quantitatively map nanomechanical properties of a material’s surface. During a Modulus Mapping measurement, a rigid nanoindenter probe oscillates at a highly controlled force amplitude while being raster scanned over the sample surface in SPM imaging mode. The resulting displacement amplitude and phase lag are utilized to quantitatively measure viscoelastic surface properties. Each modulus map is comprised of 65,536 individual tests that can be performed in as little as ten minutes. Modulus Mapping is ideally suited for high-resolution mapping of inhomogeneous surfaces and interfaces.

Modulus Mapping - Storage Modulus
Modulus map of a 3 nm DLC coating reveals non-uniformities in the mechanical properties of the coating.

Elastic and Viscoelastic Property Characterization

Modulus Mapping raster scans the indenter probe over the sample surface with a small oscillatory force while monitoring the resultant displacement and phase lag due to material response. A single scan of an area provides topographic information, stiffness, storage and loss modulus, and tan delta maps. This micron-area characterization technique provides the information necessary to guide the researcher to areas that may require further investigation of nanoDMA, such as single-point frequency or load sweeps.